hola, from the city that loves you back.
what's good, futhermuckers?
must say, i rambled on and on to cats about the possibility of me moving to brooklyn... i probably shouldn't. i'm scared that i'll talk about it to no end, and then i'll end up not going and looking like a fool for catching crows and making meals out of them.
the hope is on, though. if i work hard enough, it can be done. but i have to decide, i mean, am i really going to devote the required energy to move up there? and i mean, what for? it's not like just because i move up there i'm going to automatically get a record deal. it's a city, just like philly is.
am i trying to be a corny ass new york city transplant, so i can claim it?
man, fuck that. i'm from philadelphia. i love this city. much more than i love new york.

just look at how gorgeous it is. i'll never give up that birth right, kids. this city has sculpted me, and i owe everything i do to existing here. i mean, there are subdivisions of my debt, but just being here and growing up here and falling in love with my hometown is responsible for alot.
and look.

it's just fucking majestic.
here's ellwood elementary.
i didn't actually attend this school, but when my older sister went, i remember coming in to pick her up with my dad, and getting milk and cookies, and particpating in their naptimes. musta been like 1984 i guess.


can't seem to finish that shit. 2year college, i started in 1999.
moving on...

ehh.. am i slothing up your computer yet? shit, i didn't even touch west philly, google was actually showing signs of weakness when it came to finding shots of 52nd st. but you get my drift. i know the town like i know my name. it's part of me. and bedford stuyvesant, brooklyn; manhattan, chicago, l.a., they could never change that.
if you were a 21fiver you would understand too.