ok. so like, can i get candid with you?

por serioso.
i can? thanks.
i really want to have some good, completely naked, sweaty sex. i promised myself some this summer. things didn't fucking materialize the way i had planned.
but yeah. i *really* want to bone. like, today. i went downtown, no real purpose, i really just wanted to get out the house. by the time i hit public transportation, dick is on prowlermode som'n serious. focal point today was the beautiful skins some of these ladies were sporting. ridiculous.
and-i'm not going to soil this statement with any disclaimers about whitemeat, no discrimination here - but, i'm sorry folks. brown women can't be beat. not specifically BROWN, but black women in general. i just happen to call 'em brown.
anyway. coitus is calling my name, like the sirens playing their beautiful songs in odysseus... like, i'm trying to get *fucked*.
i can't believe i just typed that, but as you can see, i'm not deleting it. i'm tryna have somebody put it on me. you don't understand yo. the lust factor is sick. i dunno, this is my libido talkg, please don't let this entry color your concept of the kid. i'm usually relatively eloquent in putting the feelings down in text, but hell. i don't know if the english/human language has the capacity.
the fuckin' female form doesn't really help much. if jawns looked more like the blob, i could maybe forget about the sweet, sweet genitalia... am i objectifying here? forgive me if i am.
damned if i do, i suppose. don't get me wrong though, i'm not gonna start slangin' the goodlovin' to anybody who offers some reciprocation... but it's the trial of coping with sexual cravings that are beyond the call of duty. plus, i dunno, i think womanlust is much more sexy. dudes are always horned the fuck out. it kinda creeps me out to be on some regular "i'm a guy, and my schlong is throbbin'- MEWANTPOOSY" shit...
that's fuckin' ill... in a bad way...
i feel like i should be above it. it's perhaps my most hated moment of weakness, probably because i'm really at it's mercy when it hits. like, it's always been this way, ever since i can first remember the ol' twitcheroo in the oshkoshbgosh's back in the day.
it hits type strong. i'd rather be taking a shit, and have the world walk in on me. yeah, that moment of weakness is more palatable. this is too much.
but it can't be ignored. i'm in the mood to engage.
it's beyond a mood. it's more like a state of mind. i wanna suck a toe/nipple/clit.
the frustration is setting in. i'm bout to throw them titties back up in here.