ok, fuck it i tried
::warning. this is a rant::
i tried to get through my threeparter about my favorite mcs before i threw down this entry, but it just didn't make any sense to wait until whenever to speak on this.
as you all know, i went to new york city on wednesday to see these fucks for an interview. ok, like, fuckin' manhattan and shit. i'm up at 4.30am throwing on the good shoes and shit, adorning my skin with the smellgoods (nah, not cologne, i don't really fuck with that shit) and getting crescent fresh for these motherfuckers. i'm out but 10 minutes to six, and off to the R7 train headed for trenton new jersey. so i ride this shit all the way up, hop on new jersey transit and i'm on my way to new york city.
yeah, we pull in to penn station @ 34th and 8th around 8:18am.
so i get off, head for the a train going downtown, board that, get off at fulton broadway nassau, and transfer to the 4 train, which lets me off in the financial district, right near my destination. sounds relatively easy?

yeah. it's complicated.
but whatever, i made it in time, shot upstairs to the 16th floor prepared to sell a hooker some pussy(c)manny fresh(which btw, i think he was biting off some dope lines jayz dropped on blueprint, it's not hard to come up with those jawns, but the concept is what's so dope, and manny bit it, i'm sure of that; i only used it cuz it was pretty funny)...
get there, fill out some papers and take these tests made to weed out morons and shit, and go in for a quick interview.
wait, quick?
you ask me to come 150 fuckin' miles for a quickie?
BullFuckin'Shit, maybe?!
so yeah, "we'll call you before next tuesday yaddayaddamotherfuckinyadda"...
and i'm released.
yeah. i got called up to get screened. BLECH!!! *nulling and voiding shit i was telling folks for the moment* wtf. i mean, it's not ALL bad, i still could very well have a dope job by next week, but there are feelings i get after interviews, when i know what the basic 411 is- good or bad. this one just left a nasty taste in my mouth. uckh.
i'm past hating this shit. i LOATHE looking for work, 'specially now that we are suffering the post-apocalypse syndrome, where everybody is afraid to move... i mean, this has seriously been the worst summer of my life. you know why? Unfulfilled potential. i mean, time runs out man, and i've been absolutely motionless for god knows how long... i know it doesn't all revolve around having a job, but jeez k. rhyst it helps. i may have made things sound less promising than they actually are, it was a pretty routine interview actually, but i want concrete shit when i travel hundreds of miles at your request, motherfucker.
i'll keep updating the journal as to what goes down with that.
on the upside though, i am recieving lots of responses locally from my resume... least it won't cost me close to a hundred bucks to get screened when they are in the 215.
but gotfuckinDamn i wanted to throw some shit up in my dad's face, man. i know, i'm spieful/evil maybe... i love my dad, but he's been in my ass since not too long after my birthday... i'm just ready to really move the fuck along.
so i went to brooklyn after the i-view and messed around in flatbush until i went home. twas nice.