yo fk this.
ain't no reason why i can't do this.
quoted from okplayer taygravy: okayplayer.com
"Since our website is down for a minute and a lot of people have been asking questions, I thought I'd take the time to give you guys the official word on what's going on with our camp.
To confirm the rumors, yes, 9th IS currently in the studio with Jay-Z working on the Black Album. We didn't wanna let the cat out of the bag too early,(remember those Jay Dee/Blueprint rumors?), but from what I'm hearing from 9th (he's in NY, we're in San Fran) Jay is really ecstatic about his tracks and it looks as if he may actually have a shot at making the album.
*crosses fingers*
Because of his studio schedule, this means that 9th will miss the first few dates of the Hiero tour, but will pick it back up sometime around the first leg of the tour (hopefully before Carrboro.....) Holding me and Pooh down on the tables will be none other than the League's own producer/manager/label rep/real estate mogul/financial planner/paterfamilias extraordinaire........."Big Dhoooooooooo!"
Also, 9th hooked up with ?uest and Thought in Philly and hopefully will be making a contribution to the Roots' next joint, "The Tipping Point." (psst....Questo......Roy Lee got beats too, nigga......)
As for the two emcees in LB, Pooh is finishing up work on his EP, "Sleepers," and will hopefully have it available before the end of the year. Also, coming soon will be his "Heart of the City" single on the League's newly formed Hall of Justus Music Group label.
All the cats who inboxed me about me and Eccentic's comedy album "The Story of U.S. (Unheralded Symmetrics)" can now breathe a sigh of relief,as we will be doing a limited pressing with Hip Hop Site just in time for the Hiero tour. The "3rd Anniversary Commemorative Deluxe Limited Special Edition" contains four bonus tracks including "Atari 2600" and the controversial but never released, "It Takes A Nation of Bouncers........To Hold Me Back From the Club." The album will be on sale for the duration of the Hiero tour (although I probably won't get my first batch until a week or so into the tour), and will also be available through Hip Hop Site.
In closing, me and Nicolay have JUST finished up our collaborative album as The Foreign Exchange entitled "Connected."
Without giving away too much, the best way I can describe it is boom-bap with a lot of atmospherics, as well a few surprises along the way. Me and Nic are gonna do a teaser "mixtape" in a few weeks or so, and will have the album ready for an early 2004 release (label is still undecided....probably Hiero or BBE....)
And that's about it for now........
Thanks for the support, y'all. See you at the show!
fk out of here, cuz.
it's things like that that make me want to punch a hole in the wall. not outta frustration, so much, but if that don't make you want to make your music and be successful... then nothing will.
or things like this.
no direct quotes, but my man wale got 4.5 stars in URB magazine. that's not some local mag outta somebody's backyard.
urb is for real. and they said his album was a half star short of classic, by their ranking system.
what the fock am i doing?
maybe i'm too rushed.
but i see this, and i believe yo.
and then, i go and listen to outkast's album.
and i go to album signings for cats that been pounding the same pavement i do.
i exchange phone numbers with fks that i've idolized.
i look at it like this.
i *know* how to make beats.
they ain't the best beats, but if i had to, i could run upstairs to my room, and have 15 simple beats in 3 hours.
i *know* how to write rhymes.
good ones even.
so what's the hold up?
maybe i don't believe in myself...
maybe i'm still being impatient?
maybe i'm just sick of hearing my peoples essentially tell me to shut up when i'm rhyming into my cheap microphone...
maybe i'm so not used to success that i become scared of it, to the point of making myself fail repeatedly.
that's believeable.
cuz for whatever reason, i'm not giving myself a chance.
i spit four bars into the mic and i spent the rest of the day trying to eq my vox so that they sound like some professional recording i heard.
and then i get pissed and go play some gta3.
fuck this, yo.
finna do this shit.
it might not work, but this is my dream so dammit if i don't give it a good ass go.
i don't need to make beats for jay z.
i don't need to get 4.5 stars in URB.
i'm tryna prove to myself that i can do this.
and that i can do it well enough to please myself.
look for me.©tupac