today, i'ma dedicate the day to progress.
just make sure i'm accomplishing something every minute of the day.
this morning, gonna bombard some folks with the old, rusty, apparently damning resume.
there's a few places that have jobs listed that i'd be glad to have.
then, i guess i'll maybe toy with these beats some. got some wayne shorter samples i want to mangle...
i'll probably mess with the dumbells too, later on- warm up for tomorrow night.
this room needs a good cleaning too. it's not awful, i very rarely let my room get awful, but all the records strewn about are quickly becoming an issue.
i don't feel like spending any money today. besides, that's not progress. i'd be subtracting from my account which is a step in the wrong direction. i'ma hold on to these coupla dollars.
what else?
oh yeah. maybe tmi, but bust it.
i swear. it's gotta be these vitamins i'm taking. ejaculations are explosive these days. lol
i KNOW you all wanted to know that...
but i don't have a problem with that.
the kid is just trying to stay healthy.
(btw, it's a multivitamin, not some ginkgo bilboa horny goat weed shit, ok? so hold the jokes)
i was thinking about traveling to new york city this weekend for this, but i'm low on funds, and it's tomorrow night, which is like, real soon and shit. i haven't TOTALLY decided against it, but i'm already feeling too lazy.
we'll see.
anyways. time to fax resumes.
wish me luck.