::p a r m a l a t s e s s i o n s::
um, pay no attn to that, or rather, pay minimal attn to it. see, what it is is... i intend to start djing, doing little regular joints where i put people on to some dope sounds. of course, this is all future.shit, but hear me out.
that's what i'ma call it. parmalat sessions. why? well, milk has long been slanguage for dope shit. right? right. so, parmalat has all the qualities of milk (supposedly) but it lasts longer in storage, and it's a lil' healthier. so, parmalat sessions. you know you like it. i prolly didn't have to explain that, but i did.
bite me where it counts.
so yeah. coming soon to my philly heads, dj dave1's parmalat sessions, saturday nights at fluid niteclubjawn(or something like that). i'll do some out of state things too, if it all carries over well. chea.
but anyway, how about i just picked up a new sound card today? and now my life is changed and stuff? lol.. i had forgotten how dope my storage bins were. plus it's a nice soundcard with goodies attached, so it'll fit well when the beats start getting laid down.
you know what? i was thinking today about my last entry. it's like, in one way, i don't wanna seem/feel weak to my incomprehensible drive, but on the flipsideotherhandreverse... am i denying my own sexual intensity? do other dudes think about this shit?! lol
but seriously.
i dunno. i'ma stick to the rules i laid down earlier, until i feel it's not for me, til i start chafing.
but yo, i'm glad i'm passionate. you know? it permeates into just about everything i do. and that's good. my moves are generally honest ones, ones generated from the inside. i try to be as genuine as possible. there's nothing wrong with that, even when it means i'm bout to fuck the shit outchu.
so it's all mega dan stuckie.
the jay oh jumps off on monday, STILL don't know exactly how to get there, but i'll find out eventually. got my soundcard, gonna pick up a midi cable this week prolly, the triton should be arriving very soon, so it's all love in the lab. plus, i just got this nasty ass hate for shitty music, so i'm scheming an attack on the boolsheet.
2003, people.
i promise.