
hola, good people. what the deal. back from the depths of personal regret, with a pen in hand and a masterplan-
it's your boy Dave.
right. so, like... i did some shopping today. headed downtown to pick up something to wear on saturday. i got those adidas top tens up there, a pair of jeans and this old shirt from retrospect... it worked out good. i had a limit of $120 to spend on it all, and i thought i'd prolly cut it close considering the shoes i was pretty sure i'd purchase, but- it all worked out. see, money's kinda short right now. i just bought a cell phone that required a deposit, so that ran the pockets. i dunno... PLUS-
i gotta buy some supplies for school that are gonna have me broke as fuck by next week. actually, some of the shit ,i need for a project i'm to have completed by next wednesday, so- gotta get that shit. no one ever said college was inexpensive tho. whatever.
college! i'm in school yo! lol. first week of school is complete... it was pretty much a success. it felt weird to be back in school, all studious and shit, but it felt weird in a good way. i was fucking up tho. like... i dunno. i made sure i went to bed EARLY on sunday.. my classes are all on monday and wednesday, with my drawing class at 8am... so i gotta be up pretty early. i go to bed about 12:30, and fall right asleep.. and then i wake up. it's fucking 4 am. and i can NOT go back to sleep. so i sit there and stare at the ceiling, twiddling my thumbs, stickin my hand in my boxers and shit, and then finally decide to just get up and bathe and see what happens. i made it fine thru drawing.. but i have a massive break between drawing and design- design starts at 2:30pm- therefore, i'm kinda stuck @ school with not much to do. so i get to black&white design at 2:30, and by 3pm- i'm ready to pass the fuck OUT. yep.
kicked off my design class with an "i-need-to-sleep-really-fucking-bad" session. i fought so hard to stay awake. same thing happened before class on wednesday. only thing is, i was downing so much coffee during my break that my body had no choice but to stay awake. i was drinkin that shit raw man... my fucking tounge is still singed from throwing boiling hot water in my mouth, like an ass.
i went out and got the hair cut down as well... glad about that. dude.. do you know what a good haircut will do for your image? lol... you walk in a barber shop all fucked up, whatever... you get trimmed and shaped, and you are lookin like 700,000 bucks © von pea.
this is all in preperation for pete and jeff on saturday. i'ma take mad pics if i can... this shit is serious business. i'm tryna stay sober, but have a few dranks, hear some good music, hang with my cohorts and live it the fuck up.
ain't shit wrong in that.
i just wanna take this time out to shoot a rest-in-peace to a guy i really didn't know... okp dj_teddy_bear, nappysince83, Simmon Teffera. word is, he committed suicide yesterday- hung himself in his dorm at VSU. i pray that i never have to experience what it feels like to go thru some shit that makes you want to take it there: to take your own life. things like this bother me.. i guess it's because i wear my heart on my sleeve, or whatever. but dude isn't living anymore.
that is FUCKED up.
anybody who's ever considered doing this, PLEASE trust me when i say nothing- NOTHING- is worth your life. life is the most irreplaceable thing on earth.
rip, fam.