the beginning of forever.
*cues john beltran's sensual healing. this song is so excellent. please listen some time.*
yeah, alot is goin down this week that i'm excited about. first- i start school tomorrow. 8-11am, 4-5:15pm, i think... *rubs hands together* progress is a sweet tasting little morsel. i'ma do it this year, yo.
BUT. sorry to say, something is ALREADY taking control of my attention for this week. on saturday, january the 18th, jazzy jeff will be joined by the one and only, GREAT, MAGNIFICENT, STUPENDOUS, AMAZING, INIMITABLE BEAT DEITY-

ok, ok.

jeff is no slouch. at all. i loved magnificent. and jazz is pullin in more change than pete these days.
but.. pete!!!
i idolize these two, in my neverending quest to perfect the art of beat flipping. to have them both spin in philly is orgasmic. they're gonna be at the fluid nightclub @ 613 south 4th street. i'ont know bout the resta philly, but i'm falling through early and staying till the party rocks out.
so like, i'm trying to rally up every local troop i can find to come and see my nizzle on the boards, picking up various wears for the night, getting film for pictures. shit, i might even drink!
my brother came through last nite, spen the night. that was cool, i hadn't seen him in a few months, so we caught up on some all night shit. showed him some beats, put him on to some cash, twas sweet. we all sat around and watched the eagles wax that atl ass, sorry georgia, but it's like that.
the eagles are tryna get super, black. bring on the raiders.
oh, yeah..
class tomorrow! i mean, it's just drawing, but i'm STILL excited. i gotta get to bed soon, so i can get up appropriately. aren't you excited for me, diary?
i love you, diary...