::there is no fancy title for this entry because::
quite frankly i'm uninspired as to developing one.
moving on.
i went to brooklyn on saturday, and though nothing particularly AMAZING happened, i thoroughly enjoed myself, and i have good feelings about what could become of the gathering that assembled at my man's humble abode. (actually, his spot wasn't humble, but quite dope. to me. i dunno, but that's some shit i want.)
it began with my late-as-usual ass pushing back the rendezvous with the mighty sakalicious to 3pm, instead of the 2pm time, as we had previously planned. understanding as she always is, she ok'd it and i was on my way. it was kinda raining when i left, but it stopped by the time i reached 15th and Market. i actually arrived somewheres around 3:30pm. fucking loser, right?
i know.
anyway, we connected, and walked around aimlessly for a half an hour, going as far as 18th and Walnut before deciding to retrace our steps and catch the R7 train at... 15th and Market. we picked up some sticky buns on the way and went to go board our train.
(yo, i'm really not feeling the amount of detail i'm including. lol... i'm a lazy fuck and there's mad shit to tell. fuck this.)
train ride(s) were enjoyable, albeit dark. by the time we pulled out of the north philadelphia station, it was too dark to see much of anything thru the windows. so much for the window seat, sak! ha! lol
i'm not sure what time we hit manhattan, but after a pee-pee pit stop, we grabbed our metro cards and boarded the A train, downtown. two trips up there and i know the A pretty well. we actually got on the uptown train, and i felt a bit disoriented, because 1)it just felt like we were going the wrong way and 2)i noticed the over-saturation of hispanic faces. bx, anyone? lol... so we flipped the script and headed to nostrand avenue.
ok. gripe. maybe i'm spoiled as a philadelphian, but how about new york street signs be marked with the directions that the street runs? north/south/east/west- is that too much to ask? i guess cats are supposed to know. lol. *shrug*
we arrived around 8, i suppose.
long story short, it was a collection of good people, by all visible signs, and gene and naomi are excellent hosts. whoever made the spinach lasagna needs to e-mail me with their digits and commission prices. that shit was good. i'm glad i went, even though i was half broke. karas is a good travel partner.
and gene, it was good seeing gene again. memories like a motherfucker, dude. between you and april, i was in a time machine, man.
lol... the fucking florida panthers jersey!!! oh shit!!!
but seriously, innumerable thanks for having me over, and even more for letting me stay the night. y'all some very good peoples.
okay. lol.. how about this shit?
i woke up this morning, apparently out of a dream. i was saying the word eustreptospondylus. it's a dinosaur, and yes, you can call me a nerd for knowing that. in my younger years, i was a dinosaur freak. how much? when jurassic park dropped, i nearly creamed in my pants at the thought of a good dino movie. i was 13.
but i digress.
i said that word, then i came up with a jingle. don't ask me why, or how. i often will wake up saying a poem or verse, or something, sometimes very dope shit. i always make the mistake, though, of never recording the shit for further expounding. i got this shit though. lol
He tells us stuff about the beasts, quite possibly lies
We don't know the difference, so we just smile
And say "Thanks Dino Dave, you're a hell of a guy!!"
i fucking swear. i woke up saying that shit.
i couldn't believe it as i wrote it down.. i was ridiculously incoherent, but i got it down. it's still funny as shit to me. and a fucking eustreptospondylus!!
btw. i do believe the eustreptospondylus is a large sail backed dinosaur from the jurassic period, a carnivore. check me on that.
i also woke up this morning with a painful wood. i kept thinking, "FUCK. priapism. i talked this bullshit up over the weekend, now they're gonna have to cut!" i thought as many foul thoughts as possible. my many inches finally shrank and, are thankfully still intact.
ok. dinner time.