i'm so tired.
being up at 8:00am, and immediately putting the pressure on to get various things accomplished by certain deadlines. feeling the heat of being a spectacle for unfamiliar people... it's enough to make you pass out.
it was a nice day tho. i enjoyed myself. i looked really nice, if i may say so myself.
the wedding was nice... it was a bit discombobulated, and i guess trinidadians are just as black as the rest of us... 'cause that joint ain't pop off until 3:30. lol
it wasn't any sort of traditional wedding or anything. they're all jehovah's witnesses, so the wedding was a standard witness wedding. quick, to the point. lots of pictures afterwards tho.
finally we made it to the reception hall for more introductions and etceteras. i was so hungry i thought i was going to faint... but i made it. we had to dance to luther vandross' "here and now"... i really don't like that song. but i sang it to the girl i was dancing with, i didn't realize i was singing it that loud. i didn't sing it *TO* her, but i sang it loud enough for her to ask me if i was enjoying the song.
we finally got to eat around 6:30 or so... man, that food was so good. i don't even remember what i had, but i know there was roti and macaroni and cheese and jerk chicken and curried beef on my plate, among other things.
tore it up, yo.
i was asked to dance by various people on quite a few occasions... i'd like to say it was because i was smashing and all, but i know it was more of a pity type thing. i was sitting in a corner IM'ng people on my cell phone... the bride herself had to snatch me up twice even. so i danced with her to sean paul's "like glue" (which is my shizzle).
i dunno
i tried to enjoy myself, and honestly, i did. but, something was bothering me and i still haven't figured out exactly what it was.
i didn't get a whole lot of pictures tho... maybe i can steal some from the bride when she gets back from her honeymooner's romp.
i suck yo.
i'm already dreading monday.
i'm trying to fight it. i worked so hard to get my butt hired somewhere, and i'm already wanting to sleep in on monday.
i was telling myself yesterday, that basically, i wouldn't see a lick of freedom until friday afternoon at 5pm. my grind had already begun yesterday, what with the wedding and all the preparation involved in squaring that away. that takes me straight into sunday, which amounts to nothing more than me counting down the hours until my first day.
and i know how the night before a first day anywhere goes, for me.
i do NOT sleep.
at all.
so i "wake up" at 5:45am, get up and go, and by 12pm, i'm DEAD tired, praying for clock out time to hurry along. i know it.
least i got a job, right. silver lining up in that beetch.
it'll all be worth it once i gets me a car tho!
or rather, it'll all be all the more necessary. insurance and the like.
that's what i'ma focus on... copping a wheel.
hope it helps get me thru the day.
man im hornier than i can handle right now, but i'm too tired to address it properly.