just 'cause i know you're tired of the poem.
sup tho.
it's been a crazy couple of weeks.
entry prior to last, i quit and was rehired.
well- i quit again. lol
emailed in my final letter of resignation. that was actually about 2 weeks ago. since then things have been nuts, in a real relaxed way.
but good news... i got a new job. it's whatever really. it's in south philly and my day STARTS at 8am. no car, so i'm leaving the house at 6:30. ugh. what type of bs is that?
's all good. i'm on my hustle jawn now, because i've got a goal my gaze is fixated upon-
The Institute of Audio Research.
(what can i say, folks. i'm flighty. and mad undecided. if you've kept up with this blog for the past 2+ years its been running, you know this, and you're ok with it.)
i'm almost scared to post it, because the superstitious part of me is mumbling something about jinxing. but whatever, i refuse to believe in that stuff now. it hasn't helped in the past.
so i'm making a go at it. i have a school tour on the 18th- and seeing how 1iota.com ain't send me OR my nuckas... well... one iota of a response- it's the main focus for that day. then, i've got beat society at the knitting factory same night.
i'm scared man. i've been envisioning myself there something fierce, it's like, it's gotta happen.
but i need money. fast. and a place to sleep.
good vibes this way, if you please.
i should start a paypal acct for the FDS Project.
fund dave's schooling, b@tch.
::man. this blog is dumb self centric. i wish i could talk about politics... or somethimg.::
oh yeah! 1 more thing, then i'm off.
these cats i met along my internetted travels want me to do an instrumental for their upcoming EP. and i got mcs who need beats.
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5:42 PM