son you thought i was feeling bad this afternoon?!
i mean. son!
yo first, people who are supposed to be making shit move in order to have this car in working order by saturday are slipping.
why can't people do what i say? i say, hey, gillian (that's pronounced like 'jillian')- since you're gonna be home tomorrow, why don't you run to the titles place and get the tags and title exchanges taken care of?
then, in what can be only assumed as an attempt to undermind my suggestion, alexis volunteers to do it herself. i'm like, ok... but um. you work tomorrow. how you going to pull that off?
so, before i go to bed, i give GILLIAN the old titles and tell her to go ahead and take care of that early.
you *know* that fools didn't follow the leader. you *know* it. instead, lex schedules an inspection for 8am tomorrow, which we can't get with out good tags and title. so...
and now this. this shit does not get the head nod cuz. it's disrespectful, it's untimely, and it's trouble if i ever smelled it.
and then, i bit the living, dying, and purgatorially suspended shit out of my tongue and thus, can hardly speak. this is an issue for a dude who spits rhymes all night. it feels like i'm trying to hold my breath.
maybe i am, in more ways than one.
motherfuckers, dude.