posting @ work.
manager is out. one of those types of days.
i've been in a bit of a stinky mood recently. kinda reclusive. it's always a little thing that triggers these moods, usually something i can't remember 2 or 3 days later. been going to bed early, waking up early and speaking to no one.
it'll go away though.
i started a few new blogs. i'll link em once i'm sure what i'll be doing with them, but they're available when the need calls.
nothin much is new though. i'm getting the whip insured (finally) today, as well as getting the titles transferred, tags, all that. it'l be inspected tomorrow- i'm praying that it passes- but hopefully i'll be on the road by friday. gotta have it in shape for the weekend. myself and some friends are rolling out to great adventure in jersey.
should be fun.
oh. while i'm here- i owe keesh an explanation.
her comments about her boyfriend's music skills had me thinking. there is an unfortunate oversaturation of mcs and bedroom producers, in large part, less than talented.
so, in all fairness, the avg. person running around telling everybody he's an mc, or a producer, or a dj, probably should be taken with a few grains of salt. but it's like, i've had this feeling all along that people don't feel me when i'm talking to them about what i wanna do.
like, even though they're on some, "yeah dave thats whats up." "yeah dave your talented." type stuff, they're all rolling their eyes inside.
proof is in putting.
i remember once, this young lady i used to talk to told me, "i just don't want you to bank on this music dream totally, like have a back up plan. because so many people are trying to do the same thing."
it's like, yeah, i know. and that's good advice. but the way she said it was like, 'yeah, your shit's not that hot duke. i hope you have plan b.'
i dunno. i guess reading it in writing sort of cemented what assumed i people think when i tell em what i do.
but dog. this ain't no focking hobby man. i don't know how to put it any other way.
i got so drunk this past saturday, man. so bad, in fact, that i was playing spades and ended up losing all 13 books because i didn't know my teammate was on my team. niggas tell me when the game ends, and i see who i *thought* was on my team congratulating the dude who obviously wasn't on my team, obviously because of the fact that this dude talked smack ALL game.
i didn't know how drunk i was til i got home and felt like i was going to puke all night. i didn't though, because i'm a soldier. but whatever. i'm not having another drink for a long while. my liver is going to go on strike.
be back later.