so, i gotta be on the way to work in about 20 minutes.
its a sunday.
but ya know what? i ain't even complaining. it's a hustle, and i AM making my money, so i can't be mad at that.
i've been on a stretch of late, most recently going five straight, including 3 closings. it's not so bad, until you calculate in 2 hour travel times each way. 8 hour days become what seems like 12-13 hour days, and you leave the store at 9:30pm, just to get up at 9am the next morning and do it all over again. and lets not mention the events i've missed because of working.
ah well.
such is life.
luckily, the next 4 days i have off. and while i will be squeezing some much needed rest out of the time off, rest assured that the grind does NOT cease. plenty of obligations to meet and business to handle... this is the busiest i've been in a while. i haven't even had much time to really make a beat. it's crazy but i feel pretty good about the progress.
in fact, i have good feelings about everything that's going on. in the next few weeks, my life is going to change so much. i've been trying to mentally prepare for it, but i'm not gonna over think it; the chances that everything plays out as i imagined are slim, i suppose.
so, bring it on, whatever it may be.
off to work.
enjoy your free sundays for me, folks.
you movin on up, dave.
and the process--especially the creative process--is a reward in and of itself. so make sure you make time for it. of course, i should take my own advice.
10:11 AM
2 hours each way? Damn I love the west coast.
6:38 PM
who reads my blog on the west coast?! lol
6:52 PM
You'd be surprised. You're nationwide... fans all over and ish.
7:41 PM