so it's been a while.
in the time spanning between this post and the last, a good bit has happened.
-firstly, my computer gave me the finger. i havent made a beat, checked much email, etc etc., since thta happened. we back tho.
-i called in a claim on my insured Treo 300, and got a Treo 650. for the unintiated, it's the god of smartphones. bluetooth, wifi capability, SD slot for memory cards, mp3 player, email, you get the point.

i was actually expecting to get a Treo 600, almost the same thing, sans a few cool-factor features. imagine my excitement when i read "built-in bluetooth" on the box.
so yeah. lil' come up.
-i've saved up a little bit of money- couple thousand to be vaguely exact- for the big move.
i'm sorta scared. but i'm amped.
everything revolving around the move has been in rush-mode... time hissing away at an incredible pace. i've been frantically trying to find a new job to support the financial burden i'm about to take on, but regardless of whether i find one or not- i'm outtie. conscious bullheadedness. i hope it works.
-we fount the wife an apartment.
tres noice! i'm hoping that everything else about her move goes nearly as smoothly.
-i NEED a laptop. this is a total aside, but good lord. wifi is that heat.
i've been thinking heavily also, about real estate. again. i dunno how wise it is to try to dip my limbs so deeply into so many different baskets... but at this point, it's only a nice thought.
...we'll see what happens.
i'ma price some classes and seew what's good.
bed calls, for work awaits.
u know i'm gonna get that sht now right?
u and my sister were like the *only* reasons i didn't before
well that and my penny pinching habits as of late
u both had me feeling like i woulda just been showing off to get that sht, esp when my peoples couldn't get em
i was clearly sparing feelings and my wallet before
but yo
forget that
u got one?
i feel completely free and clear to indulge myself
een if it isn't till the next version is released
just be mindful
i WILL not be resigned to my gold grill of a telly device in the midst of ur blueteef
its on btchs!
as of thursday i'm officially spending my cache of acorns on some new digs
i also need a new job while i'm doing all this as well.
. . . let's go out there and get em tho
9:08 PM
man, i was HOPING you'd get it so i could see how it rocked. i honestly had no intention of paying $500 for a cellular phone.
it ends up that i didnt have to, and that's the ONLY reason i have it.
more power to you.
when you get yours, i will be blue toothing you porn and music at every function we both attend. i'm dead serious too.
11:06 PM
and i will love u till my dying day *just* for that
m'sayin . . . imagine w/ me for a sec:
acts are rotating on & off stage
(a la okp tour)
crowd's wilin out
and i'm watching/uploading big ass booty asses vol. 6-26 from u
while listening to beats, rare tracks, and exclusives between acts
pssssshhh . . .
i might go home smelling like weed and humans
but its worth it
11:01 AM
7:29 PM