back in business.
delays due to various shit, ranging from blogger dot com being down when i tried to update, all the way to me not feeling inspired to drop anything in this bitch.
mostly tho, it's been a few semi-traumatic experiences.
1) my brother was on fire. he needs plastic surgery.
2) my dad incapacitating himself at work. this one wasn't TOO bad, but seeing what's usually a pillar of strength be reduced to a feeble bedbound, it's enough to make a grown man cry.
i ain't cry though, but you feel me. like braille and shit.
shit was nuts, especially the distance between each occurence. bro was tuesday, pops was thursday, recuperative efforts proceeding promptly.
yeah, household solidarity and shit. my sister is being nice (o!m!g!) and all that, i can't be too mad at my bro 'cause his situation is an ill one. all in all, the state of affairs is displayin some fine grace under relative fire, and i can't be mad at that.
what else?
oh yeah, FINALLY figuring out fruityloops. a little. i just grabbed a whole bunch of ahmad jamal shit...

this cat has THE best piano riffs. period. i think it's way he plays; he incorporates silent, dead space and timing into his pieces... ill simplicity, but still funky in its own way.
i'm diggin for as much shit as possible by him.
now i gotta start grabbing drums. once i start figuring out how to do this right, it's over.
oh yeah, i've decided to go back to school. ...stop laughing, i'm serious.
...i'm SERIOUS!
nah, but i really have decided to go back. pursue some enjoyable stuff. graphic design with the photography option, something. haven't fully decided yet, but i need a hustle outside of bustin raps and makin beats. in case the needle don't drop © sak.
i'm figurin it will, but still.
it's funny tho, how you'll be type frustrated with somethin you're pourin your existence into, until you see the slightest bit of light at the other end of the tunnel. it makes the shit behind you worth the energy expended, and makes gearing up for more of the same that much more plausible.
since soulseek has been my best friend for a minute, i'm starting to really need one of these.

bad. i'm clipping 1000 mp3s, and about 800-900 of them aren't full albums, plus about 700-800 of them i'd like to be moving with me when i'm out and about. word on the street is that it can double as storage.
hmm... how nice for my dig. camera. yes!
that's it.