:cues Be Ever Wonderful:
THAT my friends, is one of the most beautiful ewf songs you will hear. period. it's one of my favorite songs of all time.
the shit they did, man... em effing genius.
anyways- what's the deal? nothing new to report here... i went out today, for a little bit, walked around downtown, met up with my brother and sister... enjoyed the sun... saw this chick who just looked ridiculously good. like,
jeez. she must have been about 5'11 or so, she had on these little heels and she was looking me in the face- now, her body, well, i was @ 13th and South St and she was @ Broad and South. i could see from there, she was built by an artist. good grief. she looked mid 20's... gorgeous feet, sexy as hell... her hair was rather big and dumb, but fuck, she was bad as shit. all alone. you know somebody looks good when your mouth literally waters. i mean, damn.
but you know? that's pretty and all, but it's over kill. i wouldn't want more than one uninhibited, lust filled night with her.
i tend to find pretty ladies with a pair of glasses and a bunch of college textbooks much more attractive. don't ask why, i think there's multiple contributing factors to this... but the fact is that i am not driven to talk to jaw dropping jawns. at all. maybe there's some sort of inferiority complex embedded deep within the situation... like, i know in my heart of hearts that she's not having this.
whatever though.