good lord.
i can't believe it's this late in the year already. i didn't even get to be 22. it was like, n i n e t e e n... twenty... twenty one... twentytwotwentythree-(stopping here in the hopes that i'll get some more ellipses and not another runon sentence into 24.)
seriously dude. this year was fast and slow at the same time, albeit completely awful.
...anyway, back to me.
another devotion of mine is to get into shape. i've made feeble attempts at this so many times, but i'm gonna lay the smack down on myself this time. for reals. mind body and spirit, and all that good siht. might as well go the whole nine, it all leads to a happier me. so, yeah, i'm hittin the bench every night, curling and breathing heavy, flexing in the mirror and getting my days worth of good nutrients.
sound/look like i'm seventeen. but who care, right?
you know... becoming proactive isn't as hard as it sounds, looks or seems. at some point in your life, you have to take the reigns, and start exerting force. i think for me, it was my nervous energy- i get sick of standing still. literally or figuratively. (ok, so i spend lots of time with my ass in this chair, but i'm doing shit here. lay off, k?) and the beautiful thing is, with shit taking it's m o t h e rf u c k i n g time as far as my plans and dreams go, i'm unintentionally (but gratefully) learning patience. lawd knows i need that in my life.
i still need to move out. i make beats now, or at least pretend to. i need to hear every little thing when i'm making beats, and sometimes i don't get my Eureka Moment? until 3am. my subwoofer is right over my mercurial and irritable father's head. i repeat:
a negro needs his own place.
so, as soon as my money is correct, i'm stepping. i've said this before, i know, but i'm restating, for the purpose of stickin to the fucking script.
random thought for the day: i was in the bathroom at mcdonalds, and i came up with this- "vaginal foliage". how disgusting is that?!
. . .
i still haven't listened to my wax from thursday. this is putrid. i'm interested in what nancy wilson is going to do for me. ...YO.! she was pretty as shit on that album cover. i'da been coming at her strong if i was back then. lol... i think about that alot. maybe one day i'll drop pics of jawns i'd blaze from yesteryear. blaze and love, though. it ain't all about the sex.
took a ride out to lancaster county today. twas fun. i'm mad tho. j-live was @ villanova, and i didn't make plans to go because, well, it's villanova. so i end up being driven right through fucking villanova. ?!
life and times, sucka.