and thus it begins.
so, i start this job today. 12-5, which isn't bad at all... i'm loathing the possibility of weekend work, but you know, i'm grinning and bearing it. sucking it up, as they say. it's money right now, and that's something i need desperately.
please lord, instill within me the strength to be to work when i don't want to, to sell products and gain commission, cuz base pay ain't nothin...
lol. seriously. this will help pay for school, make me mobile once again. that's it. still looking for other, more lucrative gigs, but this is nice. the people seemed nice enough, so i can't hate that. the most important thing i have to remember is that i have a plethora of purposes, and that this is a means to a much greater end.
gotta continue to make progress in other areas of my life. like, making these beats and writing these rhymes. gotta murder school. gotta get my overall weight up, nah mean.
speaking of beats, i'm getting better at this. right now it's just a 32 bar loop, but lemme figure out how to make this ish a complete song... man. i really need to have more faith in myself. if it's something i like to do, i always figure the shit out. i'm dumb that way. won't give myself the credit of being at least relatively capable.
but i'm gonna learn this shit like my neighborhood.