lever 2000. the white kind.
this, my friend, was the catalyst for a huge blow up between my father and i.
story is, he buys about 20-30bars in one fell swoop, i imagine the bulk purchase is substantially cheaper per bar. fair enough, i'd probably do the same thing. lever 2000 moisture response bars. he usually buys a 50/50 combination of the pure rain (blue) and the anti bacterial (white) bars. now, i HATE lever 2000. it's generally an extremely harsh soap, and my skin don't respond well to the shit. but, the anti bacterial soap works pretty good with me, so i greatly prefer it over the blue shit. the blue shit is like washing with ammonia, or bleach. you can smell the harshness wafting out the box when you open it. it smells like a potent ass chemical.
he'ont mind that shit. i does.
anyway, today i go to wash my ass and i see like, 2 bars of that blue shit, just waiting to rip my skin off my body!!! i'm like, you gotta be kidding me. that shit makes my face break out, and worse, it makes my face react like a bitch when i shave. i need to shave today. 's bad enough i'm out of blades. (them mach 3 blades are fucking expensive.) so i reach into the soap drawer and fetch a white bar of soap. i use it. i'm happy.
fast forward to about 12:45, 1pm. i'm chillin in my room, playing gta3. i hear my dad outside my room, on some "WHO OPENED ANOTHER BAR OF SOAP?!?!". i mean, dude is perturbed. >:o[ and shit. so, never one to back down, even when it's my volatile ass father, i speak up and tell him it was me.
aight. so you can already feel the ridiculousness permeatin this discussion, and we ain't said but 10 words between us.
"the blue kind irritates my skin, and that's all that was open, so i opened a white one. it doesn't irritate it as much."
i say this the most tempered, mellowed explanatory fashion that i can muster, bein as how this fool has already got my blood goin for actually raisin his voice about some soap in the first place. i knew where this could lead, and i seen it happen over smaller shit with him, so i'm tryna maintain. i got a temper too, when dumb shit persists, 'specially when folks wanna argue things to death.
"oh, it irritates your skin, huh. David, come here."
is he?
is this nigro actually callin me out my room to discuss my wrong, like i'm 7? am i dreamin? nah, i'm not dreaming, because actions like this are modus motherfucking operandi when it comes to my dad. so i steps out.
i goes to his room.
he there proceeds to rail into me, askin me why i don't follow instructions, why i wanna disrupt order, why i don't listen to him, what i want from the family (..?!) what i want from him, and most importantly, why i don't buy my OWN soap, if it messes with my skin so much.
now i'm heated. so we trade chest puffs, or rather he tosses them at me and i shoot them down with common fockin' sense. by this time, i can hear my church pew murmuring sisters (lol) talking about how they'll just buy their own soap, and how they can't stand this house. my moms comes upstairs to address my livid father, and now he's barking at her. my older sister joins the fray and soon after, my younger sister. tryna help this man see that it's a BAR OF SOAP.
let's look at the situation from a narrator's perspective, shall we...
4 adult-aged members of a family, engaged in verbal war.
3 dry ass bars of lever 2000.
1 little brother standing on the steps watching this shit unfold.
i mean, damn. at certain points in the convo, my father and i were inches from each other's faces. i was shakin at one juncture, prepared to scuffle.
he's cuttin my mom off, she's shutting me up, he's glaring at me, it's just so fucking inane it should be illegal.
needless to say, post argument, i'm fuckin spent, and thusly spend an hour on my bed sleeping.
let me out of here.