i didn't sleep well last night. i was stoked with unnecessary amounts of energy. there will be no tongue-in-cheek-isms here. it wasn't funny. at all.
i went to sleep at 3:30.
i woke up at 5:30.
i had a dream, and i don't remember what happened in the dream, but i woke up at about 3:45 wanting to hear esthero's voice. i wanted to hear superheroes. that song brings back memories and helps soothe moods i go through. dunno why. but i couldn't find the cd. so, i went back to sleep. i had actually gone into my room with the intent of sleeping at about 12:45am, but alas, i was fucking amped.
so i hit the weights for about an hour and a half.
i was STILL amped.
i mean, @ this point, i've got like, a wood that will not be stopped and shit. never before in my life yo. not like this. so i'm doing everything i can to avoid snatching myself naked and pummeling the little guy into blissful oblivion. i throw on some bionix, cuz it was the first thing i saw. i'm effectively soothed... watch out is a SICK BEAT btw.
by the time i start feeling sleepy, in the middle of some sit ups, pawn star decides to come on and get shit started again.
so i cut the shit off and get in the bed. and i think. and think. and think. my hands are playing about the boxers the whole time, but i stayed my course and fought it off.
but cousin.
i'm not playing when i say that i am on the verge of exploding. i'm frustrated as FUCK not to mention i'm barely lucid, my eyes saw the backs of my eyelids for less than a 2 hours...
i really don't know where i'm going with this, but i'm up and it's early.
um, peace?