i'ont even know why i let the little dumb shits get to me. some innocent shit just punched me in the gut and now i'm pondering and questioning my existence. woe is me. i guess that's where the conundrum lies when you wear your heart on your sleeve.
anyways, i ain't do much this weekend. friday,went to a bar on south st. with some co-workers and had a few drinks, missed premier at fluid. yeah, i missed him. all in a days work, no?
it was good to get back with old friends though. apple martinis are the shit.
saturday, headed back to south street in the bitchass weather and chilled in record stores for hours, listening and reading, hunting and gathering. that was fun, outta the rain, outta the house, all up in my favorite pasttime outsid of getting it on marvin gaye style. hit the record exchange up first, and that was enjoyable... picked up an exceptionally groovy willie hutch album (foxy brown composer) and a sylvers joint that i realized post purchase my brother has owned for quite some time.
's all good though. it's got a good cut on the b-side. happened across an art tatum album... and it was fucked up, man. dude couldn't be on the cover of his own album hardly, for all the white folks jammt up on top of a little itty bitty picture of the performer himself. lol, it was almost comical how obscure his photo was. damn.
after i made my purchases there, i shot over to cue records- by this time it was pouring outside, and i was tempted to call it quits, but i made it inside. i was happy i did, becasue i picked up a copy of little brother's single, whatever you say. was mad happy about that, for lotsa reasons. after that, i kinda just thought about doing the whole music thing, walkin lonely in the rain, helping ladies who's brand new pumps spilled out of their wet paper bags, cuz i'm a motherfucking gentleman and a scholar.
sunday, today- i just moped around in my room and slowly brought it back to healthful levels of cleanliness.
(i can't belive aforementioned shit is still bothering me. lol
somebody come slap me.)
tomorrow, you have the distinct opportunity to make me a completely different person. how does that sit with you? you have the chance to take my life, and step it up a notch. this is truly out of my hands now, beyond my control, and i've had the hardest time maintaining my composure. i'm not asking for much, and i think with all i've been through, i'm just short of deserving it. please. go ahead and hook me up. thanks.
ok, i'm out. pz.