turned in some homework yesterday, something i'm usually not too good at. i was too prouda myself, man. lol... kid was rockin a smile all the way to school and shit.
but i've been doing some thinking recently... like in the past coupla days... and so unsure of lots of shit... it's really starting to unnerve me. i mean... how i feel, how i respond, new experiences i have and exactly what they mean- i don't really know. i know i'm being really ambiguous here, but i'm sayin, yo- the ambiquity isn't specific to this blog. in my mind, it's the same. real general fears and desires and emotions and questions... nothing precise and defined,
i'm trying to figure some things out.
i dunno.
the next few months will bring some clarity to things. i'm very anxious for it- i can't stand not knowing.
this year is gonna be special, methinks. regardless of how it happens, the end result is gonna be good...
*waits for it all to happen*