today was a good day
until half an hour ago.
it suddenly got crazy sour. i don't know what i expected, besides exactly what happened. i guess i just hadn't prepared for it properly.
or at all.
i got this record by raw soul express. there's a cut on the B side called All Alone. 6:10 of pure unbelievableness. man o man. and the crazy thing is, when i listened to the record this afternoon i had no idea how portentious my favorite cut's title would be. ha. also, i could be wrong, but i think pete rock used the song "Dedicate All My Love" for "Mind Over Matter" on the InI album... i also bought roy ayers' "africa, center of the world". 2 for 2 isn't bad at all. there's another on my wish list tho, "The Mack" by Willie Hutch. wait til i start sampling this stuff. heads is not ready.
i was on south street today. i have never seen so many scantily clad women on south street during the day, on a tuesday no less! man, there was this one girl... she was avg height, but had those ridiculous track star thighs and like, 4" heels... all tho she had on baseball sox and those infernally lame sneaker shoes... and these really small shorts. really small. like, buttcheek waving high below the hemline small. like, sis it's a focking tuesday. 4:30pm. ya playin yaself © jeru. just standing on the corner of 4th and south, waiting for something. with roses in her hand. *shrug*
i just kept it moving.
but it really was a nice day today. 83... SUNNY. spring is the truth. it was good just to see people out, no umbrellas or coats... welcoming breezes. up in my room now, it's like 70. those hot nights are finally upon me. now i got a REAL reason to sleep unsheathed. chea. even if only for a few days... it's a beautiful harbinger of what's due soon.
got school tomorrow, 8am again. i PROMISE i will be there on time. i think we start our final project tomorrow, the hallway drawing. that's exciting, and a bit daunting. thank god we don't have to shade and go into extreme detail. there's going to be enough measuring and erasing as it is. but i'ma kill it, just because i want to.
i'ma kill everything from now on. i'm a capable brother.
speaking of which. this paper cats is hustlin on the train, the blackst*r, is one of the worst periodicals i have ever tortured my eyes with. good lord. this cat spits an aimless, wandering commentary about the mojo, the sexual energy found in music... specifically black music. even more specifically, R.Kelly's music. according to the writer, the "secret government" understands the power of the mojo, and the magnitude of mojo that Kelly wields in his music. of COURSE, the secret government rolls out the propoganda machine and attempts to destroy the R with talk of child pornography. i wish i had the patience to really break down how disappointed i was in this editorial, but i'm not feeling up to it. it was really bad though. i kept seeing austin powers' flouride-less smile everytime he mentioned mojo
spare a negro, please.
sooo... anyway... i think i'll listen to Get Down by nas, and then call it a night. don't feel too good.