*eats a fake chocolate chip cookie*
these are the most disgusting cookies ever, i swear. alas, it was either this and some milk, a fairly common snack, or peanut butter and blackberry jelly sandwiches, the concept of which i just wasn't feeling.
i'm a bit perturbed because this of this beat i'm doing. #1, i can't get this sample of Phife saying "non-believers, you can check the stats" to play right in the chorus. it just doesn't sound right. and then there's this one section where over a 1 bar period, the bassline gets real heavy and muddy. pissing me off.
anyways. it's aight background music as i type.
so, i'm considering transferring early and going to pratt. i just want to do something adventurous and different and life altering. something relatively permanent. and i wanna bust this music out, man. but it's all tentative. i have a summer to enjoy, i'm still trying to move out, i have at least 1 more semester to slave for.
i figure it like this. all i want, all i need, it's pretty much in my power to have. i'm goin after it.
in other news, school is stealing all my energy and time. the 23rd can NOT come soon enough. i should take classes over the summer, but i really want to have my summer to myself (somewhat). if i can fit classes around work, i will do that, but i'm mainly concerned with getting the paper right so i can move. i can't see doing any more involved semesters at home. just ain't conducive.
we'll see tho.