(okay. this template is gonna have to do. i'm still pissed, but yeah.)
yeah, it's been a while. cats thought i left them.
it hit 93º today. that's kinda ill, and it's supposed to continue. i love the hot weather yo. i sleeps buckraw, and i take mad showers. i stay outside all night, and when i drive, the breeze is welcome. 's what i'm talkin about. plus, the girls look so good.
but their minds' not ready.
i don't know.
yeah, so- an old flame of sorts calls me outta the blue today. it was good hearing her voice, and she's always got some drama popping off in her life. she's telling me about her b/f she just dumped, and how he's been living with his baby's mom for the whole relationship with my flame, and when he decided to cut him off because of this, he decides to take a broken liquor bottle to his wrist, to scrape her tattooed name off.
i'm like, yo. where do you find these cats?
and then! she's pregnant by him. ha. leave niggas alone for a year and they wild out. so i ask her, what's she gonna do about the baby? she's like "what the fuck you THINK i'ma do?!"
she's had like 6 abortions already. people... moral dilemmas aside, let's refrain from using abortions as birth control/prevention. get a condom. get on the pill. good lord. so i get quiet, and she's all "dave, what?"
anyway. good to hear from her. she says she's moving to cali, but she's been telling me that for a minute. i'm inclined to believe her though, she usually follows through on what she says she's gonna do. of course when i mentioned my plans on moving to newyork, she's on some "you *know* i will come up there with you, don't fucking play." ...um, ha.
she probably has the foulest mouth i've ever heard on a woman. she'll breathe hard enough and i swear i'll hear a cuss. that's the cool thing about her... lol. weird right? something about a foul mouth that isn't forced, especially in sexual sitchiations... man... sex-A © sak. like, there was this one time... a lil something popped off tween me and she.
'twas ill.
we only rapped for a few minutes, her psycho ex was coming back to pick up his tooth brush. silly chicken, don't you know that that toothbrush means not a hillabeans to dude? either it's gonna be a brawl, an apology session, or some sex goin on. trust.
hmmm... what else is new?
my lil sister gillian graduated from highschool. man, that's my heart y'all. i don't talk about her much here, but she's doin it and i'm proud of her. she gets on my nerves alot, we fight alot, but on the general, i want the best for her. she's replaced justin as my in-house confidante... and she looked so pretty in the graduation dress. i'd never tell her these things, but yeah. i want her to blow up, be somebody special. i'm on her all the time about doing things 101%. staying involved in her life. being selfish when she needs to be, and doing it up s'rious like. 's my heart.
she's supposed to go to moore next year. i wanted her to go to FIT, with me. maybe moms will let her go if i'm up there. i can keep the watchful eye on her. and she could keep one on me.
dog, i'm broke again. like, destitute. lol i just paid a few bills, it's worth it, but man o man if it didn't tap my pockets something nasty. and then, i got dropped from my classes. so, unless some money pops out of nowhere, i'm stuck until september. i'm trying to look forward to this family reunion in july, it should be fun. all of my cousins and my brother(s? hopefully) and sisters coming together at my grandmom's house, just like old times. i'm tryna rent a car too. i hate askin dad for the whip.
and i *think* i'm going to the beach in mid july. i was invited, but i don't know if things have changed. hopefully i can save up enough for a hotel, and make it like, a 3 day/weekend thing. should be ill.