i got my grades back for the semester.
two Bs, as i expected. i can appreciate a B, so yeah, i'm happy with it. i imagine i could've done better, but i'd like to think i did good. i worked hard, i know that much.
i'm lying, again.
i could have worked harder. but considering all that was going on *outside* of school, that i managed two Bs is commendable. i'm already registerd for summer2 and the fall... i dunno, i feel focused. i was talking to ihsan, and we are on the same wavelength. this year has to harken in some change in our behalves, dude.
i spent a good bit of time rhyming last night. just paying attention to how the words come out of my mouth, trying to sound each syllable out correctly... i have a long history of being a lazy mouthed speaker, it's one of my flaws, i know- my sentences are often slurred and garbled. it's hard, but i'm working on it. it's good though, i feel progress each time i sit down and write to a beat, and i've been doing that ALOT in the last few days. i was rather off yesterday, though. fkn 6ers.
more on that later, though.
get at my man's angry bots, duke. it's for real! wscfi.
i go up to nyc to rep for wale on saturday, and i'm mad excited. duke has rightfully earned his. the album is sick, and he's in love. can't do much but dap the man down. i'm looking forward to that isht though.
but the sixers. i pat myself on the back, because i toiled and trudged through nearly 3.5 quarters of sixers hanging in there, coming close, poised to strike, but NEVER doing it. when many other fans might have given up hope, i was in there like a anemic sixth man, holding fort until my peoples did what they ALWAYS do, and strike late in the game. and man, you really couldn't have asked for more. eric snow hits a 3 with 9.4 seconds left.
i mean...
that shoulda been the game. i wanted to cry. i had been screaming and yelling and cheering and being an overall jackass all game, so much so that i actually felt my heart palpitate. i had to stop and relax a moment.
but, we lost.
sixers in 7.