soul hustler in the city.
*cues up Still Not a Player by Big Punisher*
...how good is that song?
that shit could be a summer anthem THIS year.
i have bad news.
ok, like, i'm broke. every two weeks i get a check electronically deposited into my bank account, kaya can attest to this, a good enough sum of money for me to do things with. handle business, etc. well, this is my last week for recieving funds. cool. only, for some strange reason, i only got half of the money i expected to get. this is a problem. i woke up this morning thinking about how broke i am. i will go to sleep tonite lamenting how destitute i really am. it went from bad to worser. and then i had the nerve to win that soundcard from the last entry.
life spittin at the kid, ha.
whatever though.
i went to see the italian job today, and i loved it. i mean, i'm a sucker for movies like that. think ocean's eleven, with not as good a soundtrack, and rappers turned actors. yeah, marky mark counts. i wonder if he and mos battled on the sets, offscreen. they shoulda. it was good tho. VERY ocean's elevenesque. i enjoyed.
it was a matinee of sorts, a $7 matinee at 40th and Walnut. i like that place, but it's really focking expensive. of course, i was alone. i really missed having somebody there with me. rickita you can call me a punk and someone who doesn't know what they want, but whatever.
it's all good. i know what i feel.
but, i gotta concentrate on getting work. NOW. honestly, if worse comes to worst and i have to eschew classes this summer, i'll do it. i'm still applying to pratt for the spring semester. but once again, the issue of dollars and sense is crashing down upon me like a ton of shit bricks.
i get a feelin i'm on a solo mission; cats got to man the fk up. see where my mettle's at.
i've yet to prove to myself that i've got life game.