it's officially 1 year and 2 days since i started this blog.
is that incredible?
i'd critique my year since i started chronicling, but it's really late/early, and i'm entirely too tired to start desconstructing self.
i'll do it later.
i will say that i'm glad i've put all this down in my own words... i've never been able to keep a written journal or diary, so logging here on the internet has been a blessing.
but yeah. a YEAR ago. alot has happened since then. i've changed. mad ups and downs. i believe i'm a better man for it all, as cliche as that may sound. i wonder if i kept posting for 5 straight years, they'd keep every post archived? that would be amazing. i was going back reading a few entries... haha. what an ass i've been at times. a liar too, with some of my predic(headed)tions.
maybe i'll do a post with my 10 favorite entries from the past year. i've got 12 months of possible candidates. could be interesting.
but right now i need to sleep.
holler later alli fuckin'gator.