. . .
yeah, basically.
i did nothing worth mentioning today, cut lots of grass, took a trip with the fam to exton pa, dreamed of the come up. decidedly standard fare. we drove through wayne, through villanova... all the nice automobiles. i so want that jaguar xk8 convert. yo, you really couldn't tell me a focking thing.
i dunno man. the impetus to write in this blog has been seriously amiss. i don't know what it is. more and more, i'm feeling like last year, two years ago, i was a writer. i was nice with the pen. now, i feel like i'm run of the mill. i can't even sit down and write a good blog entry, much less a piece of worthwhile poetry or a remotely dope verse... the latter of which scares me, kinda. i'd honestly rather make a beat than write to one.
that's an issue.
one that will work itself out i'm sure, but nevertheless. i'm good with making beats for the time being. it really is something i can see myself doing for a long time. it's how i spend most of my free time. i'm either making a beat, just listening to records for samples, or reading about stuff i can add to my studio, fake studios inc. the best part is that i never tire of it, in the way people tire of their day jobs. it's mad rewarding. life in general should be so worth the energy output. i'd wake up early more often.
on the other hand, i'm a fucking recluse. my room needs a serious cleaning. between all my pairs of jeans strewn about, and various records i'm either cleaning or looping up, i'm having trouble maneuvering about. i'll do it tomorrow, i promise.
i just want to go out, in my own car, to a place where the drinks aren't too expensive and the women are exquisite, where the dj's play list is some kind of wonderful. then i can dance a bit, holler at the bar occasionally, people watch and mouth the words to the hip hop joints. i can see all the fellas with their ladies, and then i can grab the celliephone and call the lady in my life. let these fux know i'm not rolling alone.
i need a night like that.
wednesday looks to be my best bet. either i'm going to new york for a party, or i'm going to the five spot down town for beat society. sans the car, of course- though i hope to be fixing that soon. dogs, let me get a wheel, it is over like the bridge. serious. i will gladly be a long lost relative to these people.
alright. i'm out.