the pee pee test & etcetera.
no, not a urine test you'd take for a job.
MYYYY special pee pee test. interchangable with , and on a certain level, overrideable by, the poo poo test.
i doubt any one else has put this much thought into such a test, and even less have coined the test as such. so i'll do some explaining. it's only right.
the pee pee/poo poo test is a test i came up with some years ago, to test the trust and comfortability a young lady i'm interested in has for and with me. basically, it's whether she'll go to the bathroom while we're on the phone, without suspending the conversation, to make things more private in the vulnerable position she'd be in mid stream, or in more drastic cases, mid shit.
this isn't some perverse way to get up in somebody's biznass. BUT. people in general have hangups and issues regards this disposing of waste... and i suppose, rightly so. particularly defecating. and, on the honest tip for real for real.. i have no insatiable desire to hear fokkers taking dumps or sprinkling the toilet water with yellow rain while i'm on the phone. no fecal fetishizing here.
that being said.
there's a certain amount of trust and a certain level of comfort you have to have with somebody to let them stay on the phone with you while you is relieving yourself.
am i right?
i think so.
ladies. i imagine many of you have let someone see you naked. i mean, your adult, supple, breasts dangling ever-so-gently from chest and hairy patch nakedness.
i'm also positive that it wasn't just ANYone. it was someone you love and/or trust. correct?
who ever that person was, had to present the right credentials, or have your implict and unwaning trust. at least for that moment.
cuz you don't be showing the goods to somebody you'ont trust.
basically- if you trust me enough, and are comfortable enough, to lemme be in the bathroom with you, not necessarily physically (although that would be an even STRONGER testament, tho i might have to refuse)... i KNOW that you got love for the kid.
discussed this with a ladyfriend last night.
she's an exception to the rule, because she's ultimately special, and i'm pretty positive she trusts me. but yeah, she failed the test.
lol.. it's no biggie if you fail the test really, because i collect data on your trust levels from other areas as well.
i mean... i don't force it on anyone. in some instances i haven't even had to suggest it, it was a given. and most times i mention it in jest. i don't expect anyone to do it, but depending on your reaction to the suggestion... i'm clued in on some things.
question to the audience is, is this test over the top?
i've been desirous of sexual activity for a while now.
i mean, on some realness. like strong. but... it's not the regular stuff. not like... "yo im tryna fuck!"
it's peaked at that level, here and there, whatever... but for the most part, it's been a desire for intimacy and all that pillowy walk in the clouds balderdash.
we won't call it horny in my blog. we'll call it ...spikey.
young is SPIKEY, but on some ralph tresvant sensitivity type brian mcmaxwell and co.
sometimes, i don't mind being spikey. right now, i'm starting to mind being spikey.
i dunno man.
i just wanna hold her.
but yo.
i just walked in, and i'm tired as hail.
think i'll holla at the world after dinner and a nap.