five two 0h four.
*acts like he's been here the whole time*
i don't know how much more i could possibly emphasize this, but, god.
i love this time of year.
it just makes me feel all tingy and good. i'm sitting here with my window wide open, enjoying the breeze- the just desserts for a good, productive day.
i didn't really do much, honestly. washed the car, cleaned my room, re-sleeved about 200 records... didn't spend but 6 bucks today (!). now i get to make an attempt at dropping a blog entry while listening to ahmad jamal's "at the top".
i'd only be happier with my womn.
on the real, that's one of the very few things that've been focking with my countenance these days- that, and my personal hell i loosely refer to as employment. i've been trying to focus more on anything else i can, and for the first weekend, it's kinda helped... stresses and the like were sapping at my productivity and my creativity. starting to feel like i'm back on some sort of horse. now it's just a matter of grabbing those reigns.
i mean, work's aight. i'm dealing with the daily drama a little better than i before, and it's probably because i feel the job becoming finite. it's like, i see an end that i only need to work toward, so the struggle is much more bearable. it's been my plan for about the last month, to find some way out of being indebted to that place, and the sheer thought of an *interview* somewhere else gives me hope.
so it's been that and beats, basically. i talked with my brother justin earlier today... he called me, mad excited about collaborating on some musical efforts. that's what's up, man. justin is a misguided dude with issues and whatever, but that's my mans, yo- and when he's about something, he's like, about it. we're gonna try to link up over the next week or two, see if we can't get the vibe going that we had before he moved out.
we were team, man. we shared a room for the longest, which was a blessing and a curse, but musically speaking, it was a blessing... i remember when we both started absorbing jazz, staying up late and listening to temple jazz radio with the lights off. we discovered the genius of d'angelo's voodoo and slum village together... we used to throw on herbie hancock's vein melter, off the headhunters album- just playing it over and over.
it just got to a point where we thought alike musically, like we'd both hear a sample at the same time, and do the "oh sht!" look.
i miss those days.
and even though i'm almost positive it won't be the same, if we can do what i think we can do...
y'all hoes is not ready. trust me. what's on my little soundclick page ain't NOTHING. what's on YOUR little soundclick page ain't nothing.
give us a year, you lousy fux.
10 months even. that's my word.
anyway. trying to figure out what to do with my vacation... i get a week off, including the weekend, and i'm thinking i have to take the days off in succession, so i'm trying to get out of the city for the time. (plan actually is to go on vac. and then come back and hand mthrfkrs my 2 weeks notice. we'll see tho. -ed)
if i'm decisive, making a choice shouldn't be too hard, tho. there's a billion places i havent been, and i'm strictly talking stateside. i was thinking atl.
waiting on my tx rtrns, too... did i tell cats? $737?
is i'm rich?
ha. nah... that money is so spent. but the idea of getting broke off lovely for once is nice.
aight. i'm going to bed.