winter warz.
it's cold outside. very cold. it was like, one degree, when i stepped out today.. and had the nerve to snow last night. trying to ice my weekend up.
i guess i shouldn't complain, though. at least i'm not in maine, where the temperature plummeted to 60 below.
60 below? what on earth...?
no, seriously, what on earth? i'm sure pluto's temperature only hits 50 below. that's obscene.
whatever. i suppose i should be glad. winter finally decided to start acting like winter, launching a blitzkrieg on warm weather-conditioned immune systems all over... new years eve, it was like 50 degrees.
i'm at work. wondering why it isn't friday yet. isn't it crazy, and ultimately depressing, how your body can feel like you've done 6 days straight, every sign your body emits points to the end of the week, but you've only hit midweek? it should have been saturday now, according to how tired i've been.
it's whatever, though. it's thursday, i can live with that. i'd just rather be anywhere but here. i wanna be home.
but, i'm sitting here, in a mildly chilly office, sipping coffee thru a drinking straw, thinking to myself, there has got to be a better way.
it's funny, yo. you see people's real personalities, their real m/o's, as soon as they get the chance to show out. i work with snitches and hoes, yo. hoe dudes.
nobody's snitched on me, to my knowledge, yet, for the simple fact that i've given them nothing to snitch on me about, but, the childlike behavior i've seen one dude in particular exhibit is just... disappointing. i can't put it any other way.
Jim is puerto rican, 45, a tall guy, very quirky, divorced, paying child support for three adult aged children living in miami... no driver's license... the first impression that he'll leave on you after even the slightest small talk is that he's somewhat irresponsible, a big kid, if you will.
but, initially, i liked him. he's funny, sometimes, and he seemed personable enough. but dude is a herb.
dan, a cat from a different dept. mind you, leaves the building on personal business, but doesn't clock out. jim gets miffed and decides to take matters into his own hands... calls the executive dept and complains to the losers upstairs that dan's not clocking in and out.
now, i've complained a million times about the quality of employment here. dudes don't get raises. there's no 401k, it takes you forever to get hired, and you get paid hardly anything, but you do almost everything. dan fixes cats' cars, he's sweeping, he's supervising temps, he does alot. but he gets paid hardly anything.
jim knows the state of affairs here. he, also, hasn't recieved a raise recently. in fact, as i understand it, not in the past 6 years. our manager talks to him like he's a blithering idiot. he knows that this company screws it's minority employees over... why is he clock nazi'ing?
these guys get shafted, let them get over on the company that's getting over on them every other day of the year...
if you wanna take it into your own inept hands, confront dan in person. don't be roundabout about it, letting him think things are ok, and then he gets a call and a lecture from his boss, because of an anonymous tip. i hate anonymous snitches, yo. that's the worst kind of person to work with. after things like that go down, you feel like you're being shadowed every day.
and it kills me. like dan's check is coming out of your pocket.
hoes, yo. hoes.
so now, everytime i see jim, i see a weasel... and what's worse, i can smell him before i see him. he's got some sort of hygiene issues he needs to wrap up. lugz and tommy hilfiger wearing herb.
i just hate that, man... i was on edge when my manager was here, but he's in vegas doing a show, so i thought i had a break. but here comes another snake in the grass.
this is why i wanna work for myself, man. blech.
tom's good business, tho. at least as far as i can tell.
i got hired permanently, tho. haha, dan was like, "congratulations, man. you'll regret it, but congratulations."
he didn't have to tell me that. i know already.
so... this weekend is BINFORMED's magazine release party is on saturday... i'm gonna pay my part of the insurance on friday, then my rent, and then ask for the car, in that order.
pops can't possibly front on that. otherwise, it's much too cold to be gallavanting an hour away from home. septa just won't do. not to mention the fact that i lost my transpass.
yeah, life sucks. i'm still trying to get over that.
anyway. holla.