i'm merely postponing the inevitable.
in more ways than one.
firstly. i'm postponing the inevitabilty of my grabbing my bank account by the balls and making some major purchases. as many of you know, my phone is on the fritz. its' slow decay into uselessness has suddenly taken a turn for the quicker, a methodical descent becoming a furious plummet into being an absolutely anemic collection of lcds, silicon and plastic.
oh, fear not. it's still a whiz at calculating tips, and holding my phone number collection. but it's on it's last leg.
so i've been paying regular visits to the downtown sprintpcs store, and i've come across two phones that i'm totally enamored with... trust, y'all could do nothing but respect the cell game, once coppage is upon the kid. even if you don't like cells.
i mean, the one i can actually afford- it's so dope a contraption of technological excellence and aesthetical genius... i can't even post a picture, for fear that associate of mine with the fiendish hope of stealing my thunder would get wind of my treasure and partake, illegally... perhaps to suprise me with at the next common gathering event. that, my friends, is something i refuse to risk.
know this, tho- it's a monster.
the other purchase is a new computer. before i'm hauled off to the stake for such a ridiculous purchase, my line of defense is that i've been working towards a new comp for a minute, and this particular purchase will only set me back just shy of $200. i really need it, beat wise, and for the fact that photoshop and dreamweaver keep crashing. and, the booty talk clips are mad pixelated in full screen mode on a 19" monitor.
yeah. i'm thinking the cpu will be 1st.
secondly, i'm postponing setting up the interview with eneone. (i certainly hope my editor doesn't read my blog... she'd have my head.) i really don't have a reason why i'm holding off, other than being tired most of the time, and allowing sleep and work to displace all else in my life.
i gotta wrap that up tho, submissions are due by the 6th of feb. 1500-2000 words. *sigh*
half the time, i'm like- what did i get myself into, man?
thirdly. my room's repugnant condition is only equalled in quantitative proportions by my utter disgust for it, and for myself. i've got to get rid of clothes, shoes, just... a little bit of everything, and a LOT of some things.
son. just bought that new red mach4 something or another razor from gilette... man, i can't wait to shave! kid grew some facial fur just for the occasion.