what up duns?
you thought i left you. never that.
roberta flack's chapter 2 on the turntable. "Gone Away" with donny hathaway and curtis mayfield, is just sick.
she's killin it.
i did alot of thinking on my trip to myrtle beach.
mostly about career and life choices, me hitting 25, and the significance of it all. it's funnny, but i kinda like where i am. who i run with.
i feel lucky to have come up in a time where my contemporaries all got the crazy eighties as the backdrop for the way we think- it was pivotal, particularly for the demographic in which i fit best. i feel lucky to be surrounded by people with ignorantly big goals. like, niggas dont front on they capabilities. or on each others. it's the best support group.
us cats dont settle. im sure it will mean a life of mediocrity and lofty goals never achieved for some of us, but i think it's overall a positive thing. it keeps the next person in your circle motivated. god knows i need motivation. seein my peoples get back in to school or get their graduate school on, or invest, or start up small business ventures, just get serious about they life with out sucking the fun inherent to the general culture of the eighties baby.
i look at my folks, and at my age, they was in love and married, with a kid and a house, already settling in to what would be the rest of their lives.
im glad that dont feel right to me. it leaves me broke and in want and hungry sometimes, sometimes im depressed. but when i think about coming home from new york city at 4am with 3 of your boys, talking about making music and managing and starting a company and being excited about it- being dead SERIOUS about it- the feeling you get is irreplaceable.
so im glad about that. i used to feel all this pressure because i felt like my proverbial window was closin, but it aint even about that. the same folks who felt this way at my age 30 years ago, are killing it and enjoying it the same now. i have my whole life to settle down. f_ck ima do it now for?
other recent developments: i feel myself slowly becoming more socially consicous. like, stuff i could have cared less about, are becoming a big deal to me. and spirituality, too. ive never been so actively concerned with my spiritual well being as i am now. i think it's mainly that the general strata of what i believe in is solidifying itself.
its awesome.
i'm getting tired of writing. be back later.
Best regards from NY! » »
7:09 PM