streamlining for the cause.
are you streamlining, my friends?
i am.
to streamline is:
1. To improve the appearance or efficiency of; modernize.
2. To organize.
3. To simplify.
i find that in various parts of my life, i have too many hinderances that slow my overall process. whether its beatmaking, or friendships, it's just mad excelsior in the way of a smooth flow. and it's been coagulating for some time... so it's time i streamline.
it started today as i regorganized my workstation/production centre. to the naked eye it may have seemed like i was merely moving around records and computer parts, but yo.
i was streamlining.
i lost my old phonebook with my old phone, and with that, alot of numbers of people who i don't call, and who don't care to call me. bye, niggas! streamlinin'.
the way i work when i'm doing music is ridiculously confusing. from a physical standpoint, i have records all about the room, un organized and in serious disarray, then cables are stretching from the computer to the keyboard to the turntable to the amp to the speakers in every conceivable manner, tangling themselves and setting booby traps for me when i have to suddenly slide from under the desk... i untangled that and re-set up the whole thang.
i'm also going to devote a part of tonight and some of tomorrow to getting rid of all this 'free' music making software on my computer... i need a specific way of working, so that the guesswork pre-song isn't so complex. too many choices is a bad thing for a guy like me. it immediately attacks my ADHD. lol
i'ma whittle it down to a few synths and ACID Pro, Recycle and FLStudio, and Cubase for multitracking. that's it.
...just the other day i shed about 13 gigs of porn. lol. shut up.
but it's just a process of getting rid of all the extra. i see it working in an area as small as making beats, its got to work on the bigtime plateaus like life. too many friends and possible business associates, too many obligations, too many unanswered emails and albums to buy, too many distractions man. GET RID OF EM.
life is hectic enough without tripping over your own feet.
in other news: got the phone working. its great except the battery don't last that long. i figure it's got something to do with the fact that it's got all these programs and whatnot on it.
if you wanna know what i have, it's a handspring treo 300.

for all you tech heads, yes i know there are hotter and newer versions, i'm working on that. right now, tho, this does all i need and then some. once i get my earpiece and charger, i'ma be golden. once again, only one lovely person listened- GIMME A CALL so i can get your numbers again.
otherwise, you getting streamlined.
nah, just kidding. lol
what's good tho?