Sprinting to no where, and FAST.
sprint is currently the highest grossing cellular service provider. somehow, with less customers than both verizon and cingular. with the soon-to-be-completed merger/buyout(?) of nextel, they will make more than cingular and verizon COMBINED.
amazingly, there's no underhanded thievery going on behind the backs of the giant's patient customer base. no, on the contrary, they take what they want in a most blatant and unapologetic manner.
i spent 3 and one half hours combined between two different sprint stores in center city, in search of a new phone. my current phone, the Sanyo SCP-8100, is currently an anemic combination of molded plastic that works on a need-to-use basis. basically, if i need the cops or a quick western union wire, or the wife, i could PRAH-LEE make the call.
otherwise- forget it.
i've had the phone since february of 2004. 13 traumatic months later, you'd think a steady, money spending customer like your boy dave, would be able to get at the very least, a replacement phone. right?
i'd estimate that between upgrades in "service", exchanging phones, late fees and deposits for activation, i've spent well into the thousands of dollars with sprint. Easy. by my calculations, i should own a small share of the company. i walked into the sprint store around 1:30pm, thinking minimally, i should be able to get a free phone. not the best? i understand. but god, i've not received my promised rebate for either of my previous phones. that should count for something. i'm a 2 year and counting customer.
i was immediately put on the phone by a man with unrelentingly bad breath, who told me to call customer care. from there i was transferred to the rebate center, where i was apparently outsourced to india, to be told that there was nothing that could be done. i was then told to call customer care. again.
"can you transfer me back?"
"No. Here is the number."
apparently, by the lady's description, the rebate center is a mercenary outfit of customer service reps for hire, on standby via a red phone with one button. she swore up and down that she had no way to contact regular sprint customer service. so, in a sprint store, i'm on their phone, doing the legwork myself.
ugh. recounting it is only riling me up again. long story short, i left with no phone. i gave them the business, and i got helpless stares in return.
i'm switching next week.
until then, chances are, if you call- you're going straight to voicemail. sorry.
good news tho, i got 1 gigabyte worth of drums in the mail yesterday. im sure this is less than exciting to most of my readers, but yo. drums make the song for me. they fuel my creativity. and it's a LOT of drums.
(drum sounds that is. on cd.)
i'm stoked.
tonight marks the jewish calendar date of jesus' execution. on this night, the first full moon after the spring equinox (i think), jehovah's witnesses celebrate the commemoration of jesus' death, as was instructed in the bible. i'll be there. i'm sure at least one of my readers has been invited to a kingdom hall close to them. it's a big deal for jw's, and all persons are cordially invited.
i shoulda posted this earlier, but if you're so inclined, and you catch this in time, the getdown will be happening around sundown tonight. if you do go, be prepared to stand... it's usually a big draw of an event, with 10+ million folks NOT of the faith in attendance.
just a lil psa.
peace, gotta get ready.
Best regards from NY! » » »
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