...one of the worst days of all time.
i got written up for calling out on wednesday.
what made it worse was that my manager basically tried to play me on the sales floor. caught me unawares on some, "hey, dave, guess what we did on wednesday? $15,000! (15k worth of sales) they could have used an extra hand! getting here late is ok but calling out is unacceptable... they got pounded on wednesday."
THEN she took me back to write me up.
i'm like, ok, if you have to take action against me for calling out, do it.
if you just need to put me in check for doing it, do that.
but pick one. don't try to play me, a grown ass man, and then pull me to the side 3 hrs later and write me up. thats just corny.
so yeah. i'm not sweating it. i'm too good for them to get rid of me. thats why she was so hurt that i wasn't in on weds. it's really whatever, i'll take my spanking. i ain't gonna cry. i got paid today, thats what really matters.
besides, i called out for a good reason. i'd do it again in a heartbeat.
not to mention the incomprehensible expense that travelling to and from work has become. nor the time consumption involved in an 8hour workshift and travel time.
nor the excellent work i do. just dont call out.
b.informed calls it quits.
the hater in me says to point and say "i told you so." but.
i just cant.
that's awful, dude. i mean, really awful. the mag had such high hopes. i actually wish i could have rode with them to the finish. the typically tragic story of a good intentioned publication getting consumed by itself.
i could go on all day about how little REAL direction the mag had, or how untapped the mag's real potential/focus went... but it's perfection vision in hindsight. it's crazy because usually, mags dry up in cocoon stages, newsprint pages and 2 color covers, terrible editing and no pictures to be mentioned. b.informed actually moved past that stage, got national distrobution and was making moves to actually pay it's writers (*grumble*) for their submissions.
lofty goals, no footing.
ah well. another one bites the dust.
i'm still pulling for loosie to go to print.
it's what's hot in the streets.
on the bus home today, i got backhanded with the bad-news-brown end of religion.
a decidedly stealthy (don't ask me why) lady approached me on some mel gibson/conspiracy theory isht, and asked me if i was baptised. i wasn't ready yall. it had been a bad day up to that point, i wasn't prepared for it to take an inward nosedive and start regressing to the pits of hell.
but, i had no choice but to hear her out.
she babbled on about scriptures i should read, a group of churches i should visit in a 3-man rotation sort of deal, told me to look out for the demons among us and to not speak of my weaknesses too loud for fear of said demons captalising, i suppose... it was traumatic.
i was one of 4 folks on the bus. why'd she pick me, yo?
had the nerve to- KNOWING which stop i was to get off on, mind you- let me miss my stop, remind me afterwards, and then- THEN! suggests that i ride the bus from penllyn station all the way to the chesnut hill loop with her, so she could pray with me and teach me.
she invited me to her baptism. she told me to hang around folks who routinely catch the holy ghost.
she mentioned that she saw me as a prophet, and saw that i should wear garb, and cover my head.
oh, and the kicker:
she asked if i was getting off at fern rock station, after i caught my train. when i said yes, she smirked knowingly, pointed to the ceiling of the bus, and said "he's with me."
god told you i was getting off at fern rock?
my computer is giving me HELL yo.
i treat this thing like my girlfriend yo. i take pictures of it. i watch it when it's just sitting there. i put money into it. i keep it clean.
wtf yo.
windows xp sp2 never installs right for me. does anybody else have this problem?
it's HOT, son.
time for a shower.
btw . . . i know i'm blowing up ur comments, but
that binformed sht was crazy right?
plus my comp also XP issues here & there
it isn't by any means dying as far as i can tell
but once it does, i'm sure XP will be the cause
u better run some diagnostics
take it into ur local nerd shop or something
11:05 AM
ive never heard of that mag
but, i dont read mags much
im completely outofthemag know
the link doesnt work
&fk em @the job
& yaaay lookit classes (i think that was ur other entry but eithter way)
1:33 PM