since the season of giving is fastly approaching, and giving is so much more rewarding than receiving (right?)
i thought i'd give all my friends/readers an opportunity to give, and support the cause.
(i'll admit, i bit off my boy Bill, but with good reason. i NEED this stuff.)
so yeah. the Treo cases are interchangeable. meaning, one will suffice in place of the other, but i'd like to have both. *smile*
you know, i was in the office bathroom, taking a relaxing late afternoon whiz in the urinal, and i had a deep thought about my life. i've actually done ok so far. i'm not nearly where i want to be, in a couple different areas, but let's be real.
i have fucking lofty goals.
to be where i am: i'm 25, black, easy on the eyes(mine, mu'fukiz- iont care what YALL think.) disease free, generally regarded as a good dude, i pay my bills on time, i have a job and a hobby and i keep the two relatively happy simultaneously, i've got a grand in the bank that ISN'T spoken for (a good ass feeling, trust) and i've done things my way, which happens to be the hard (but most satisfying- when it works-)way... that ain't bad.
best of all, i have ambition welled up inside my chest that's getting hard to pipe down. and yeah, i'm not 19 and cornering the game, but i'd rather be mid twenties with a lust for life than 42 with a dead end job that i HAVE to keep.
i'm proud of that. most of the cats in my circle who check this blog are on the same thing. you should be proud of yourselves too. we rock, yo. the body electric.
something died in the floor under my apartment, so my spot officially smells like a morgue that forgot to pay it's electric bill. it's disgusting. (i know, i follow up all that positive nonsense with something utterly depressing, but it needed to be said.)
worse than that, tho- there's VERMIN in the building.
*Phylum: Chordata. Subphylum: Vertebrata. Class: Mammalia. Order: RODENTIA.*.
this...this is an issue. my landlord told me that we would be having regular visits from the exterminators. volunteered this information, even. i've yet to see a mousetrap or a can of bugspray, much less been ordered out of my home for a few hours while spacesuited ghostbuster extras fumigate the premises. hello...I PAY RENT YO.
grandparents are visiting from south carolina this weekend, and my aunt's having a small get-together at her house, iniviting some of their old friends over for food and whatnot. i've been employed to provide the musical backdrop for the night. (not a DJ, as much as a music compiler.)
i'm kinda excited about this. i'm sure all the old folks will be impressed to find out about my musical knowledge... so i'm looking for stuff from the 40s and 50s. i've procrastinated to this point- hopefully i can get alot done tonight, seeing as how it will most likely included downloading AND burning- and tho i have access to many paths of music procurement, it can still be rather hit or miss. i need 2 cds worth of stuff at least. i'm hoping for four.
(oh, and TRUST that i will be in the house with tupperware containers and aluminum foil in tow. im stocking up, son.)
but yeah. enjoy your weekends, yo.
"Enjoy Your Weekends."
That's the phrase for 2006 and beyond.
I can't even remember the last time I had an entire weekend to enjoy for myself or with good friends.
Here's to more, chief!
3:20 PM