i've been neglecting this blog, with reason.
firstly, i've only had music on my mind. i'm pretty focused, and i don't wanna lose the drive, so i've been excluding alot of the excelsior. so, not much to write about. secondly, i think i've become afraid of oversharing. it's weird because in person, i'm typically a private dude. not many people know my life story. i'm of the belief that that's the way it should be.
i came here today because i had some things i wanted to get out that don't fit steadystarving's focus.
i hate people.
it's not as sweeping as it sounds, i don't hate everybody. just...i have serious disdain for the average person, man. my job for instance.
it's documented somewhere how many muscles it takes to smile. i hate coming to work and dealing with non-smiling motherf*ckers. what's your deal, really? it's that hard to be cordial, or dare i say it, pleasant?!
that shit ruins my day.
then i feel doubly bad for offering up the pleasantries but getting nothing in return. it's like somebody ignoring the hand you offer for a handshake. it's disrespectful.
you'd think working for a non-profit would have atypical office atmosphere. guess not.
i'm getting jaded. if folks don't wanna engage in the things that make 8 hour slave exploits less painful, that's fine. i have access to a searing stare of death and i have enough to go around the WHOLE office. yep.
i get paid tomorrow, and i have a long weekend. i'm seriously considering going to the bar with a *bean and seeing where the night ends up.
there's a spot i'm gonna hit friday night that will be spinning some jay dee joints in memoriam. i have a feeling i'll get pretty emotional. hearing his music over a good booming system has had that effect so far, even at my apartment.
i hope alotta people show up.
i'm thinking i basically came here to vent about people. i'm all typed out.
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