i think i may have the flu.
or a stomach virus, or something. point is, i'm sick.
last night trace & i went to walmart to pick up a gift card for a coworker of mine. i stood out in the cold for about 15 minutes waiting for a bus. once we had boarded and were on our way, i started feeling queasy. by the time we reached the walmart, im feeling like i have to take a voluminous shit. i find the bathroom, and do my business.
(as trashed as the walmart was, the bathrooms were very clean. go figure.)
my stomach feels no better. i grab the gift card, trace grabs some chips, and we get out of there as quickly as possible, because my situation is deteriorating at a steady pace.
luckily the bus comes quickly, and we're on our way back home. i sleep most of the ride back, so im only aware of my sickness when i'm stirred awake. we finally get to our stop, and i had the option of either going back to my place, or chilling at trace's... my toilet's been acting dumb, and it still smells bad there, so i opt to walk with her back to her place.
this is where it gets awful.
on the way there, i'm feeling more and more queasy... she's a good 5 blocks away from my place, and it's positively freezing outside, so it's like the march of death. we finally get there, i take off my coat and head straight to the bathroom.
it was like water, yo. i mean, straight liquid. disgusting. so i'm in there for a good 15 minutes, she's knocking on the door checking on me, and it's just going downhill from here. i finish up (not before clogging her toilet) and lay across the couch, trying to watch Lost.
that's when it hits.
trace is talking to me and i just get up midsentence, and duck into the bathroom. i take the position at the toilet bowl, and yup, i'm hurling my brains out. my back still hurts from the wretching. she's feeling all bad for me and i'm just like "LEAVE ME ALONE." lol. i'm sure she understood.
this would happen once more during the night. i stayed in trace's place, she slept on her couch (GOOD LOOKIN' OUT, HOMIE!!!) it actually wasn't a bad night's rest, i slept pretty good considering my stomach was doing the hokey pokey.
we're having a polyana/secret santa/team luncheon today, and i had been drafted to provide some things for the shindig, plus i had to cover this morning for my coworker, so i climbed out of bed at 7:30 and got ready for work. bundled up the best i could, and waited for the 13 trolley. the trolley takes forever to come (it's freezing outside), so i'm waiting and dancing and praying my stomach takes a chill pill. by the time i board a trolley (3 trolleys come, fully packed, before i can get on) my stomach is threatening me very subtlely. as we progress, i realize that i'm about to puke. we get to the 40th and woodland loop, and i'm literally praying that i don't hurl on this trolley (i'm standing behind a girl with a white coat on.)
the doors finally open, and before i can hit the pavement, i projectile vomit 3 feet ahead of me. i didn't care who saw, at this point i'm ready to go home and die.
i sit down and let my stomach reflect on what it's just done, then i get back on the trolley. i cant really afford to call out, no sick days.
the rest of the trip here was pretty incident free. i got to work and have been unapologetically chilling since.
it's only thursday.
i want u to get better asap.
8:04 PM
my condolences
i've been there before
all over the neatly manicured municipal shrubbery lining the j-oh
*right* after they'd replanted it for the warmth of spring, even
TRUST . . . yeah, rub some more tussin on it.
12:34 AM