i need another gig.
some dollars to compliment the main flow.
i'd prefer weekends over nights, and easy work over hard, but at this point, i'll take what i can get.
it'd be nice to move some of these beats (again), but until i find real, paying customers, i'll sideline that dream for the reality of the side gig hustle. it's almost gotta be something that i have ostensible talent for, though. i can barely operate at my day job, much less going for a second round elsewhere. i'm ahead of the game at work, so i'll do some craigslisting in between ebay and bathroom breaks.
i'll keep an updated list of leads here.
(((in stereo)))
i'm feeling the same pressure, need to find my way into some additional income. i don't want it to feel like work though, which is asking a lot.
it's gonna be tough finding a spot with really flexible hours. and if i do find something, i'm trying to figure out when, where, how and what i'm gonna eat. shit's hectic. anyway, peace.
9:17 PM
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6:17 AM