nothing fantastic to report.
i realized today that i have too many blogs with no explicit purpose. i have 3 that i update relatively regularly, and before each entry i wonder which blog is best suited for the discussion i'm preparing to engage in.
it's way too much hassle. but 2 of the 3 blogs have so much of my history logged that i can't afford to shed them, and the third is so cool and sexy that i don't want to abandon it.
it just ain't that serious.
bhhf was really dope. shouts to TM for procuring me a VIP pass (which got me up close & personal in the press pit with real photographers and Ghostface & Crew, along with other VIP perks) and for performing our sleeper hit, Walk This Way!
i missed the performance, but the response was apparently very good.
you can't beat the feeling of 3-5000 people jamming to your shit.
later that night we hit up hiphop karaoke and did DWYCK ( i was smooth b and started forgetting words. :( ) and then stormed the stage during some random guy's below average rendition of ATCQ's Scenario. i had too much fun doing that.
after that, we bounced out to a Crown Fried Chicken that seemed like it was a good mile and a half away, and i ended up fuckin' up my right ankle, man. i thought it may have been the skin being rubbed raw, but now i'm thinking that the tendon back there is bruised. all of my kicks make it throb with pain, so far the only shoes i can rock are these suede slip-on loafers from kenneth cole. kinda mad about that because i have 3 pairs of dope shoes that i can't rock due to a bum foot. i'm just hoping it don't last longer than a week. it even hurts to drive.
always something.
anyway. back to work.
i like the new look... and, I've often thought about losing at least one of my blogs, but... always decide against it in the end. glad I'm not the only one who has contemplated...
11:02 PM