an unforseen boost in the economy has been attributed to overflowing boxes of paper.

so my job finally did what i've been asking them to do since like, february or so, and opened up overtime for a few folks who want to contribute to the "A Paperless PCA" project, where we scan 7 years worth of client documentation into a massive database, and catalog it via various criterion.
previously they'd been asking a few of us to do it during the day, and it being so mind numbingly boring, coupled with other work piling up in it's wake, that process just wasnt working. so, tuesday through thursday, and saturday, overtime will be available, and trust me, time & a half? niggas is stacking, best believe.
(that extra 10 hours a week is the PITS though. i aint even done the 4 hour bid on saturday mornings yet. ugh)
which is the perfect segue. due to the xtra cash, the nyc look gets realer by the day, man.
and it's sorta scary.
very exciting.
fairly reckless.
extremely ambitious.
whatevz. if it happens, it will happen. not gonna pontificate and emote right now. i'm a ways off and i have alot to sew up here in philly before anything like that goes down.

my cable's back on!
now i can turn it on and wonder why in the fzck i even considered having it again.
oh, and i can entertain the hizzoes.
cable bol was mad friendly though. almost too much. asked me how much i paid a month for my place, and then said "oh. it must be the view." i laughed. but then later on that night i was like, "heeeeeeeey wait a minute."
it's aight. he lives on 52nd & master or something, so homie can chill. i know my place aint trump tight thero, but i'm good.
anyway. i ain't done like a lick of work today, so i'ma try to make these last few hours worth something. or put up a post about panties on okp.
either way.
lol @ taking a pic of dude
LOL @ dude's uniform
3:08 AM
son got nerve snarking my apartment, meanwhile he's fixing my cable on a saturday.
eat a dick ahk.
11:00 AM
OT for everybody!
11:49 AM