i have a bad habit of leaving my ATM card home.

actually, it forces me to save money, so it's not horrible. but being out without access to funds is a depressing state to endure.
especially now, because i'm HUNGRY.
anyway. another day in the clink. work sucks. the area around my desk smells like fresh fart, the phone has been ringing off the hook, i'm hungry (see above), and it's only 10:28.
i ain't complaining though.
i've been putting more overtime hours in. came in on saturday and worked from 10a-2pm.
doin' my usual tuesday thru thursday this week, and looking to come in saturday as well. my money's gonna look right by the end of august. oh yes.
Labels: i'm on my grizzy, work sucks
sometimes, you've gotta work that overtime to get what you need in the end... *sighs* I'm bout like you now (gig getting on my last nerve), began searching for jobs yesterday...
Kudos to you for the upcoming check being on the fat side...
9:53 PM
11:36 AM