nothing spectacular.
i really should be asleep, it's late as hell; but i slept immediately after i got home until about 10, so i should be good. i'll go soon, just felt like airing out some...
you know, all in all, life ain't so bad. it can always be better, but lots of times it isn't as bad as we make it out to be. when you actually sit down and realize that life isn't godawful, it's like having a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
um, that's my positive thought for the day.
anyway, me and justin (brother/musikal partner in crime) were discussing music equips, and what we needed to make that triton really go... lemme say this. explaining technical things to a non-techie sucks. he's like, "look just let me play some chords man" and i'm like, "dude you need a electroblabbergabber with a oscillating jabberwokkie and a hoot-nanny with audio outputs, a scuzzy drive and a wikkawakkawillieWAnker to hook up the billabongyakkety shmacks!!" i mean, that's what it must sound like to him. lol... i feel bad for him, but i'm being patient and layman's terming the hell out of it all, 'cause we are in it together and he needs to KNOW this stuff. he went to the store to pick up a mixer today, and folks were pointing him in all the wrong directions.
he'll learn though.
hmm.. what else? ohh yeah. this chick who i used to want to talk to caught me on AIM today and kinda hinted at me meeting her tomorrow downtown. i guess i'll go. we talked on the phone like 3 weeks ago... it really sucked, though somehow the convo marinated for a whole HOUR. my phone has this timer on it, and when that shit said 59:53, i said time to cut this short. it's funny, she called, but i was like "alright i'll let you go now.. i'll call you soon..." lol. i know she was like "oh no this negro ain't brushin me off", but yeah lady.
i was. deal widdit.
you've had your hour. depart, please, from the premises.
but she's cool. she acts young and flighty, so i'm glad i'll be around ppl, cuz *oneonone* with her is a test of one's attention.
updates on that forthcoming.
almost finished my 1st week on the new jibby. look, it's humpday, i can say "almost done" now. but yeah, i'm happy about that, because soon i get paid.
what else?
ah yes.
back in the day, this used to be my brother and sister's month. justin turned 19 today, and gillian 17, on the 9th. now it's forever nineeleven. i'm wondering how i can avoid the inevitable propaganda/media/officeconvo bombardment, and i'm thinking that i probably can't.
it's whatever though, that day still fascinates me. i won't be doing anything special though... try to stay away from tvs and radios. newspapers i may peep, but that's it.
hey! thats a topic of dicussion i can use w/miss jawn tomorrow.
"...do you remember? the eleventh nite of september?"(c)ewf
maybe tomorrow i'll recap my sept11. day.
ok, i'm going to bed now. nite.