hey now
dude. the time!
you see that shit?
i really gotta nip this allnight shit in the bud. show and prove time is coming and i need to really be on top of my game.
speaking of which, went to see the dept head today about my classes. he had a meeting to go to, though, so i'll re-up with him tomorrow. today was a beautiful day, so i didn't mind just walking around with a hawaiian punch and some nice fluffy thoughts. gotta do that more often. the area behind hahnemann hospital is nice for a walk. they're doing lots of construction around there... PAFA is moving into a new building. should be interesting. there's also a magnificent shot of the downtown hi-rise area there. gotta get a pic.
but bein back at school... i mean... seeing a college bustlin with activity, students who, for all visible signalin had a purpose, definitely had class... it was a bit overwhelming. i'm used to goin to work, 9 to 5, with suited up CEOs and other sundry professional types. coffee, arab food stands, news papers and the click of mice and (men?-lol) keyboards. but bein inside and seeing contemporaries and educational shit taking place, took me to a place i hadn't been for some time.
it was weird.
the train ride home gave me time to think on whether i was prepared for this. i mean, i know niggas is like, what? you're going to school. big deal. but. . .
yeah. it IS a big deal.
most folk don't go back to school after they've taken a sizable hiatus. something takes place between the last class, and the acting on the intent of returning. that same something could rear it's ugly head in my work, and yo.
i'm trying to bust school's ass. serious.
i know the agenda though. sticking to it is gonna be a bitch and a half, but god forbid the bitch divorce me. regardless, i'm stoked man. i finally feel like i won't be such a floundering fuck-up. get my degree and shit. chea.
saturday is still all go. i'm excited about that, but i need to get some particulars from my gracious host so we can solidify things.
alright, i'm shuttin it down cuz i gotta see cuz in like 7 hours and shit.
plus i feel drunk, intoxicated with the nectar of dawn.