i done caught somethin yo. i'ont know what it is, but i'm sick as a motherfucker. i'm guessing it's nothing worse than the flu, but the flu can be some crucial shit. i just hate being sick, tho. it's time and energy consuming... i'm not the type that has to be waited on hand and foot, tho. i usually just shut myself up in my room and sleep... like today. slept until about 3:30pm, no lie. did NOT feel like gettin up. but yo.. i hope this is all part of me bein sick, but like.. the skin on my right thigh is numb. i'ont know what the hell that means.. and it's been goin on for about 3 days now, so i'm a tad worried. imagine if like, your thigh fell asleep.. not all the way thru to the bone, just the surface. like you slept on it wrong. i kept waiting yesterday for the blood to return, but nothin happened.
*worried shrug*
class is goin ok. haven't missed an assignment... nor a class... (this is substantial information because 2-3 years ago i would have missed about 3 of each) so i'm real proud of myself, as far as that is concerned. i'm in class writing down homeworks, gettin props from the instructors on the level of my craft- it's nice.
i moved into a new, bigger room in my house, and i love it, but the room gets so cold at nite. i think it has something to do with why i am sick at the moment. i have a kerosene heater in my room, but to heat a room of this size, it uses much kerosene, and it gets the room SO hot i have to turn it off- so there's hardly ever a happy medium. i need more comforters and quilts and blankets. and a body pillow.
got Damn i need a body pillow.
or a body.
yeah.. a body.
all in good time i suppose.
i just hope i ain't dyin or some other foul shit. man, i'd be PISSED if i was dyin yo. lol
P I S S E D.
yeah... lemme go finish dinner.