i'm finally coming out of this cold, kinda. i feel it lettin up somewhat.. just in time for my wednesday classes. i'm still coughing alout, but the overall yuck feeling that comes along with sickness is gone.. my leg is still numb tho. whatever with that tho. i'm an uninsured motherfucker, and i'm sorta broke. i'll holler at a doctor when my leg falls off. i didn't go to class on monday, so i prolly missed a shitload of stuff in my b&w design class, so i am sure of having to do tremendous amounts of catching up.. then on top of that, i have assignments that are due... fuck, yo. i hate being sick. i was movin at a good pace before i got sick.. at least as far as school is concerned... fuckin germs, yo.
but what's new?!
i have some action packed weeks ahead yo. seriously. can hardly sleep for all the excitement in my future. and i think i'm finally gonna break down and get some shit i have been meaning to get for the longest.
1) my SLR camera-
2) my turntable-
3) a good microphone-
4) my comp fixed and upgraded-
pictures to take and music to make. regain some focus on the shit that i need to be doing... i think i'm also gonna make yet another attempt at moving out. gotta route up out this biznitch... but um.. it's getting late.
got class tomorrow, 8am style.
i'll holler.