damn yo...
so like. i get to art 125 class, which btw is b&w design, coughin up a storm, ready to keel over from sheer fatigue and sickness, when my classmate come up on me...
nah, you know what. lemme start at the beginning.
i blogged about my best friend before. the cat was on some shit last time i saw him... and on even more shit as we spoke, a few nights before i made that post.
well... fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. it's a tuesday i believe (cuz it was an off day, in all likelihood it was a 2sday), and he calls me up around 2pm, asking me to come meet him downtown... i don't, because of the fact that i have 5 dollars to my name at the time, and they are set aside for getting to class the next day. i'm on some "nah son, i'm really broke, can't do it"... he says ok... then he's like-
"yo, dawg- guess what i been doing for the last 2 months?"
i'm like "..what?" thinking the cat maybe got himself a job or some shit. something POSITIVE.
he's like, "i been living off the land, dawg."
now- what the fuck is that shit supposed to mean? the land in philly is the motherfucking street. asphalt, mu'fucka. just WHAT are you telling me?
i go "what does that mean?"
"EXACTLY what you think it means dawg, i'm livin off the land."
so yeah, my main nigga is fucking homeless. destitute. and 21. 21 years old, yo. what typa bullshit is that? kids, it's mawfawking B R I C K outside. even moreso at the time he was telling me that shit. and the crazy shit is, he's all "yo i'm bein a soldier now, but dawg- wait until spring, dawg... it is OVER!!!"
what's over yo?
he was on a pay phone so the call got cut short. i tried to call back, and i thought i had gotten him back, but it just hung me up. fuck yo.
my classmate, heather, was cool with him and i... it's funny, because when i started the class, she came up on me and was like, "sherman, right?" i was like... "uh, yeah.....?"
"OH! hi!"
lol... we had both not seen high nor hair of this cat.. then he calls me. so of course i told her the next day that i spoke to him, and told her of his current plight... both of us were just like, what the fuck. fastforwardfurther to today, and she comes up on me in class, like, "Hey, Dave.. i saw sherm yo. dude looks BAD." snapped me right the fuck out my stooper, yo.
"his pea coat was all dirty and he couldnt even focus on me, it was like he was on some serious drugs or something.. i didn't even speak to him. he just kinda looked at me and moved on... he looked fucked UP."
i swear yo, that's the worst news i've heard in a minute, man. i was afraid to see him back then... when he called... now i'm shook like shit, cuz. i'm always downtown, and apparently that's where he's been staying.
i'ont know, yo.. i dont wanna see him. but i feel like, this duty to make sure he's ok... i don't know what i can do for him? i'd put him up if i had my own place.. but my peeps aint havin that, besides, there's no room here. he's got a rich pops and a mom who's supposed to be caring. his pops took his apartment away from him, which was at the beginning of this down hill spiral he's been takin.. and his moms kicked him out in the 1st place, which made his pops put him on with the apartment.
i hope this cat comes out of this shit, yo.
i hope i can help him.
just gotta see him 1st.